Back to work.: My last post was how I... - Lung Conditions C...

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Back to work.

1968 profile image
6 Replies

My last post was how I had man flu last week, well after a very heavy head cold with flue like aches and pains all over, I went back to work this week. I was in my office all day Monday catching up with the usual back log of emails and missed calls ahhhhhh. Today I was out and about having meeting's, I was with this one guy for about 30mns, all he did was sniff-cough and complain of how un-well he has been for the past 2 weeks. He said his cold was passing and felt a bit better today mmmmn. I'm no doctor but this guy should never have been at work, all he was doing was making him self un-well and spreading his virus. If only the other half knew a small bit of what COPD/Emphysema is. I'm finding it a bit hard now to keep my mouth shut when working with someone or being served by someone who, blows their nose in front of you-sneezes beside you-coughs beside you-smokes beside you (in and out of doctors/hospitals/shops ect), basic hygiene measures are required. I'm not in any way Mr hyper clean freak but having this lung disease has educated me in so many way. I do however feel crappy again, hope it ain't coming back.


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1968 profile image
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6 Replies
tinamg profile image

it is a same in this day in age we can not allows call in sick with a cold or flu. most can not afford to miss the days and some jobs just dont care you have a job to do. it not only hurts those of us with copd but everyone else they come into contact with.

frose profile image

I usually tell 'them' that what may be just a cold for them is likely to put me on life support - I've stopped being nice about it! I've also told (not asked) people to leave my office when they obviously have a cold. Different people react differently but I'm not going to protect their feelings at the risk of my ventilation! Go for it - educate them ;-)

It's about time companies thought of their staff over profits, particularly at this time of year and educated their staff about the pitfall's of coming to work with a cold or flu.

I caught viral pneumonia and ended up in ITU with type 2 respiratory failure. I've never smoked in my life but now have COPD. My lungs are so damaged Doctors say it looks as though I've smoked for 30 years or more!

David I am just the same now! I know I annoy people but the last thing I want is my husband to be in a meeting with someone with a cold. They just dont realise how bad it can be for someone with a respiratory condition. It drives me mad!! In fact I have just printed out some notices about coughs and colds etc. next to the anti-bacterial gel dispensers! Even my family dont fully realise - my husband has had COPD for over ten years but I had to stop my mum from visiting when I heard her sniffling. She was really apologetic and said Oh I just didnt think!!! So I suppose if she cant remember what chance with the public. Like others I am just honest now and tell people a bad cold could hospitalise my husband!

Enough of a rant - hoping you are feeling better. Take good care, TAD xx

sassy59 profile image

I do agree but I remember speaking to my sister who works for Tesco and she said that staff are made to feel bad if they have time off and it is frowned upon. Clearly bosses of Companies do not have problems breathing or they may feel differently. You can only do all you can to stay well but it is very hard if you work and people do not take time off. Get some anti viral tissues and pass them around the office. Hand gels are good and tea tree just inside the nostrils may help protect you a little. If not that, then Vaseline perhaps but check everything if you are on oxygen in case the two things don't go together. Good luck to you and feel better very soon. xxxx

Louisiana profile image

Grrrrrrrr I so know what you mean!!!! Even my family and friends don't really understand when I beg them not to come round if they have the sniffles, cold, flu, etc.... :x You stay well :) :)

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