What To Do About The Saggy Bits... - Lung Conditions C...

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What To Do About The Saggy Bits...

32 Replies

One day I looked in the mirror and there was a wrinkled old lady looking back...and I used to think nothing of wearing sleeveless frocks but now I have sort of baggy bits on my arms so if it doesn't have sleeves, I don't wear it.

And I have a pot belly...not a big pot belly...just a smallish one. That needs covering up as well...we won't go into the gruesome details about stretch marks...you might be reading this before you've had your supper.

Then there are the legs...best skate quickly over them as well 'cos they aren't nice...not nice at all. The oddest thing is they don't need shaving now...except for the few, very long, jet black hairs which grow at an alarming rate on my shins...

And as I'm being so frank I might as well tell you I have a moustache...that appeared overnight...it did honest to god. One day it was there...and that's black as well.

But my eyebrows are grey...grey eyebrows speckled with the odd white hair is not a good look...applying eyebrow pencil when I can only see properly with specs on and in a good light and if my hands aren't shaking, just makes me look even more weird actually. One looks reasonable and I think it'll pass muster but the other one goes sort of wonky and peculiar and I wonder about being fashionable for once in my life and just shave them off...

And my clothes. I did once have an enthusiastic lady in our local charity shop take me in hand...she produced frocks and skirts and neatly fitted jackets and I thought I looked like a dogs dinner and she said it was because I was so used to baggy clothes and I said but I like baggy clothes 'cos they are comfy and don't dig in and make me itch and anything a little bit fitted makes me imagine I can't breathe...

She gave me up as a lost cause in the end.

It was the losing weight which really made me gob-smacked...never been big in the first place and after that episode a year ago the weight simply dropped off in leaps and bounds and being downright skinny and having baggy bits is much worse than being a bit bigger with baggy bits.

In the general scheme of things no-one gives a hoot as to whether you have wonky eyebrows or dress in baggy cotton trousers with leggings underneath and layers of baggy tops...on top. It shows you've lived a life if you have wrinkles and a bit of a belly...

And if people don't care for the way I am, then they can go and boil their heads!

32 Replies

well I am male but I used to wear baggy clothes to hide my 95 kilo body in the summer weight just dropped of me and still is as for facial hair mine only appears if I don't shave but I am one of the lucky ones I have very little body hair

Nikkers profile image
Nikkers in reply to

What's a kilo? Lol

in reply to Nikkers

same weight as a bag of sugar these days 2.2 lbs

Brilliant Vashti - I totally agree :) :) coughalot xx

Suzy6 profile image

I didn't know you could see me vashti. Brilliant. me to a T. I have managed to gain weight but still have wobbly bits and all the other things.

katieoxo60 profile image

Well Vashti , you just confirmed there is a club of us with similar problems besides our lungs, but hey were not past it yet can still live, have a joke and accept ourselves with all our quirks don't have to please others only ourselves.Keep those daily reflections coming. The consultant today just suggested it's age related which did not amuse me at all he wont win friends with that type of comment.

in reply to katieoxo60

That consultant was plain rude...what's he going to say when his wife is growing a moustache and has hairy legs...Huh!

We have to find the funny side Katie otherwise we'd sink into the depths of despair...and what good would that be!

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to

So true Vashti, I'm still smiling and off to the theatre tomorrow to see a comedy. Don't let people like that upset me any more.

Oh vashti ur explanation of life is so true and very funny, keep em coming , they make me smile everytime I read ur posts. X Sonia x

in reply to

If whatever I write gives you a bit of a giggle...then I can't ask for more...thank you Sonia

Hmm ! I wonder if that wrinked old lady is any relation to the demented looking bag lady I occasionally catch a glimpse of in my mirror ?

in reply to

Probably sisters under the skin...the wrinkled skin...lol

hufferpuffer profile image

O Vashti you sound like me with the long sleeves and baggy tops! still we can't all be like Madonna, and who really wants to be, just remember you are a perfect being just as you are! loved reading your post,more musings please! huff xxx

in reply to hufferpuffer

She has scrawny arms anyway...at least we don't impose our bits on the general public....lol...well...I don't...you might..lol

hufferpuffer profile image
hufferpuffer in reply to

Oh no not I , I'm extreeeemly shy!!! :D xxx

I have the reverse of anorexia! I always still think I am thin but I keep catching sight of a fat dowdy old woman - wonder who she can be? :d coughalot x

in reply to

Reflections in shop windows is what frightens me...I feel sad for that poor old soul and then realise it's me...lol

Oh goodness,I can relate to some of those ha ha!!

As for the wrinkles on my face,I call them my laughter lines!

Once again,a lovely written piece,do keep them coming! xxx

in reply to

Laughter lines does sound sooo much better!

qbjb profile image

Hear hear :D :D

nanaber profile image

I went on holidays a few weeks ago but before I went I decided a bit of work was needed. So off I went to the hairdresser had a new cut colour and highlights. Next to the beauticians so first nails hands and feet painted with the magic 3 week nail polish followed by eye brow shape and tint also eye lash tint. Next all unnecessary facial hair removed. To finish off it was in to the tanning area for a full body spray tan ( coughed for 1/2 an hour after that ). Two days later i was sitting in the wonderful sun a new woman. I'm back three weeks now and at last I can recognise myself when I look in the mirror. Everything's faded and gone except the extra holiday weight. Lol

in reply to nanaber

But it must have been lovely to be pampered...and holiday memories as well!

emmo profile image

Year - I do so agree. My daughter calls my upper arms my 'bat wings'! But - there is always a silver lining, now my eyesight is going I cannot see all the faults.

in reply to emmo

Bat Wings indeed...just let her wait for her turn...lol

eightyplus profile image

You lovely ladies have a wonderful sense of humour and resilience, just like in the old wartime days. I'm proud of all of you.


in reply to eightyplus

And that's kind of you to say so Alan...!

Dragonmum profile image

Emmo, down here in deepest Wales they call them "Bingo Wings" - when the hearing starts going you won't hear the kids' rude remarks either - see, there's an upside to everything. Except when your "perky bits" degenerate into looking like spaniel's ears - that's depressing and calls for massive outlay. No more Primark bras gals -off you go to Madame Esmeralda's and say goodbye to a lot of cash!

onamission profile image

I can relate to most of the above now I'm 50 something and getting showered takes more energy than I have my dressing has to take a back seat so I go for leggings and long jumpers or jeans with a pair of flat slip on shoes or in winter a pair of jeans, jumper and a flat pair of boots.

When I go swimming I put my swim suit on with a jog suit and a pair of crocks it takes me longer to get dressed than I spend in the pool.

in reply to onamission

Leggings are brilliant...I wear them under everything else in the winter and with long cotton tops in summer...

Um...why do you wear a swimsuit and a jog suit?

onamission profile image

I don't swim in my jog suit lol the top is a zip up so easy to get dressed after and warm on the way home

USAhousewife profile image

Well, I've managed to have crazy lady, wrinkles. . . . make that both crepy skin and lots of wrinkles all rolled into one. I'm mid 50's 120 lbs of WTH appened??

in reply to USAhousewife

But I'll bet you are a lovely person!

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