Has anyone got a portable oxygen concentrator for sale in the Manchester area?
Thank you
Has anyone got a portable oxygen concentrator for sale in the Manchester area?
Thank you
Mine was supplied by BOC at the request of my respiratory nurse. You shouldn't need to buy one.
hi i have used one ,lady down road her hubby passed away and he used it. she tells me it needs service and asking £400 for it, when u look at service cost and new machine u could be on a winner here
Recently I explored setting up a second hand re-cycling of equipment - some of it is so expensive and as we mostly have an incurable, progressive condition, well it speaks for itself.
The plan was like a primary school having a shop with outgrown school uniform available for other parents.......... BUT on exploration was informed by oxygen experts, that ALL types of equipment are available on the NHS and that it needs to be prescribed by an expert as there are many different modes of delivery - using the wrong mode can be dangerous.
I would be REALLY interested in any feedback or information that anyone has on this.
The POC supplied by the NHS are early versions. Iphilips go or imogen one G2
The weight is about 3/4 kg and come with a trolly. Compared to the weight of the largest cylinder 3.3 kg comes with a trolly
The lighter ones are 2/2.2 kg and carry. The lightest is Airsep focus, 0.8kg which as I did you have to purchase your self.
If you purchase from a company you have to supply a copy of you oxygen prescription. Plus you have to be sure you can use pulse delivery system.
I recently used mine on my six minute walk test, worked ok.
Before buying your own discuss with you oxygen team the suitability of such a device, the newer ones only do settings 1.2.3 my focus only those 2, imogen G3 those
They are only equivalent to Lpm, and based on 20 or 30 breaths per minute ,
They deliver in ml per breath.
As you can see there is a lot to consider.
As with NHS supplied equipment it as to be suitable for your needs and purpose.
You are correct in saying to much oxygen can be as bad as to little.
Service on your own unit is about £110
Airsep models have a built in hour clock, so there usage can be checked, whether this applies to others don't know, I would have thought so.
The sequence in which the start up lights work indicate time for service.
Hi Dartgirl,
Your Oxygen suppliers should be able to supply one of these free of charge on permanent loan. Contact your COPD Nurse and she will happily help. That's how I got mine. They cost up to £6,000 to buy new, depending on type. Second hand ones will need servicing every 6 months and if you have bought it, servicing will be very expensive according to my supplier. If you don't know who the supplier is in your area, use the search engine to find out. Go to "Oxygen suppliers in Manchester area" and have a look. Hope this helps.
yes like other members have said you can get them free, we got ours via "aIr liquide " our local oxygen supplier, based in harrow middlesex, comes with a shoudler bag, bit like carry a large camera bag !
but here's the rub, depending on your own " circumstances " i' i am in a wheelchair outside the house,we don't have a car, so it made life differcult for my hubby, pushing me ,plus trying to carry one if not two cylinders on the back of the wheelchair, in our case we got our G.P on board, he wrote a leeter to our consultant at the hospital & low & behold got one within about four weeks, and it has been a god send when out & about ours is the "inogen G2 " due to their cost we were told by " air liquid " that its not everyone who gets them supplied due to the cost, so plead your case, saying that how much easlier your life would be, as if like us, cylinders were impossible due to the short time span they have if out for a day etc, good luck xx
I required portable oxygen cylinder and some chemicals for my small industry. I got the cylinder by BOC. Now I am looking for REACH certified chemicals for better quality.