Hi there , urgently i need free portable oxygen concentrator for my mother , please if any knows how we can get free of charge one let me know ? or if any one has got one which dose not need it let me know .
thank u
Hi there , urgently i need free portable oxygen concentrator for my mother , please if any knows how we can get free of charge one let me know ? or if any one has got one which dose not need it let me know .
thank u
If your mum is under the oxygen therapy team and is prescribed oxygen she may be a suitable candidate,depending on her needs for a poc provided free of charge by her oxygen provider,
regards Ski's and Scruff's
Mine is free on the NHS - ask your respiratory nurse.
You have just joined HU , you are 71, how old is your Mother ? you live in another Country, I know our Country is famous for "Hand Outs" But this to Buy would cost a Lot of Money. So, why ask for it FREE.......
Speak to respiratory nurse at hospital if she is supposed to have oxygen they will set it up. And as you come to end of container you just ring company and they virtually come out next day. If you mum gets out and about ask nurse to arrange smaller oxygen bottle easier to carry around and not as big lightweight and last a lot longer. If you are in the Midlands think the company will be Baywater. But check with nurse check she suppose to be on oxygen
It is free on NHS
ask about going onto Liquid Oxygen itβs very good and light to carry
Worth looking into and itβs on the NHS
Hi awarda1976 .
I'm sorry your mum is poorly. After reading your profile I see you are not living in the U.K. I don't think anyone will be able to provide you with a free oxygen concentrator from the U.K. Is your hospital unable to provide your mum with oxygen tanks? How about charitable foundations?
Best wishes,
Cas xx πΏ
It would cost more to send it to Palestine Territory than to buy it there!
I am sorry but I don't think anyone here will be able to help you.
In the UK if someone is assessed as needing supplementary oxygen, it will be provided free of charge. Other countries may have different procedures. I can only suggest that you speak to your mother's health team to see what is available where she lives.
If you do not live in Uk then little can be done to help unfortunately.
Thank you didnt know.