Having moderate copd I have been off the fags for a month or so and now I feel worse than when I was smoking!! My temperature is normal but I am relying on the ventolin to manage the breathlessness to be able to get my normal day to day tasks done. I have an awful productive cough too.
Feel rather ill: Having moderate copd I... - Lung Conditions C...
Feel rather ill

I was like that many moons ago when I gave up..You are breathless because of the cough .Once the sputum clears the breathlessness will get better.The cough is a reflex action to get rid of the muck over the years...Persevere and you may see results..Hope this helps xxxx
Keep off the fags and away from smokers they and them are not your friends believe me
Just want to say very well done for giving up smoking. I truly hope that things will improve for you very soon but never smoke again please. Take care and wishing you well. xxxxx
Well done you, fags are your worst enemy, just persevere it will be to your benefit. You cant have copd and smoke, copd will be managed by your healthcare professionals. WELL DONE !
Well done stopping. It's a pity they don't tell you how bad you may feel for a while. I felt dreadful for six months - truly dreadful - but my cough disappeared and I began to feel it was really worth it. Please keep going - it's the best thing you can do for your health - and DON'T start again!!
I was the same when I gave up two years ago. But it doesn't last. Your body has to go through a short period of clearing all the crap (if you'll excuse the language) from the fags.
Once your lungs have cleared, you'll start feeling less breathless.
I can just ditto what every one else has said, it is tough to begin with but you will feel the benefits later, also ask your GP about doing a Pulmonary Rehab coarse if you have not already done it, well worth it, good luck.
With regards to being SOB, now is the time to download some breathing exercises and start building up your stamina. Sometimes we are SOB because we aren't clearing our lungs out of all the stale air but with breathing exercises. your lungs will empty and leave room for what you need....good quality air. As well as staying away from smokers, keep well clear of high smelling chemicals and deodorants, after shaveetc and keep a long way away from BBQ's.
Two things are going to happen shortly you will start feeling better and you will feel sick from the smoke smell neither has happened yet it seems I'm sure but in time they will
Things will get better soon ,it can take two years to feel the full benefits of stopping smoking.Good luck!D.
Winnie, I agree with others, It will take a bit of time to clear the muck from the smoke. You could ask for Mucodyne from your GP to help you with the mucus. I want to congratulate you on giving up smoking. You have just given you many years more to live! Carry on, you will feel better, take patience.
I have been stopped now for 5 weeks but as of yet I haven't really coughed a lot How long does it take to start bringing up gunge. My cough seems mostly dry but I do t cough that much. We done to you though for giving up cigs. Keep it up

Hi Tiasam ........Unlike most people I stopped coughing 2/3 days after quit and never brought up the gunge . ( for 2 years prior to quit there had been night and day coughing with copious amounts of phlegm )
Everyone seems different with this disease......and often no logical pattern .
The one definite however is that cigarettes will cause more long term damage if you continue to smoke .
Winnie.......well done for reaching 5 weeks ......it isnt easy iam 9 months into my quit after a smoking 48 years. I really ,really , really hope that you start to feel the benefits soon . ....I now feel better than I have for years .