Been diagnosed with COPD. Had Lung Function Tests yesterday. These always give me considerable distress. This time a lot worse as I now have severe pain in left lung area. Is this normal? PR course next week.
Should I feel so ill after Lung Funct... - Lung Conditions C...
Should I feel so ill after Lung Function Tests?
I have never felt ill after a lung function test. Can't speak for others though. May be a good idea to speak to your GP or practice nurse.
They usually knock the stuffing from me but I normally recover shortly after. last time I saw my con he decided not to bother doing them because they tire me out so much! but I can't say they do me lasting damage!
The last time I had one with my consultant I got the most horrendous cramp in my chest and when it subsided I was completely shattered. My consultant said I could have a star for effort (very witty)
No lasting effects, then again I do have cramps quite frequently and I am going to the GP to see if there is a solution. The chemists couldn't give me anything because I am also diabetic
Thanks David - I too get frequent cramps which can strike in muscles I didn't know existed, but this pain is more like a badly torn muscle. Don't know if that makes any sense.
Ouch! Although the cramp hurts it doesn't last that long. Torn muscles on the other hand....
Hi exsmoker1 sorry that you're not feeling so good, have you had copd for a long time and what was your fev1 reading at? how long have you been taking spiriva? sorry about all the questions, just trying to figure out what the pain could be.hope you feel better soon,I hate the bloomin tests too!.
First diagnosed with copd about a year ago ( 3 years after quitting smoking ), although at the time I didn't feel particularly breathless. Prescribed Spiriva - and that's when things got a lot worse. I went from grade 3 on MRC Breathlessness Scale to Grade 5. I refused to take Spiriva and was prescribed various other Powder Type Inhalers over the next 6 months -none of them helped and in the end I refused to take any Powder Inhalers any more. My health has certainly benefited from this decision. Currently on Ventolin and Seretide Aerosol Type Inhalers - I don't feel either does me any good - but they don't make me ill.
Fev1 reading is 1.09.
Starting Pulmonary Rehab course tomorrow, so looking forward to that.
Thanks a lot for your concern.
