I saw this normally shy bird outside Dads kitchen window in the bird feeding area.
I know what it is, do you? - Lung Conditions C...
I know what it is, do you?

Hmm sorry no. He is a pretty one isn't he or maybe she. Take a guess Cuckoo?
Its a Jay and is a bird more at home in woodland, I was surprised to see it sat just outside Dads window and the camera was handy.
No but I would love to know????
I though cucukoos lived in clocks?
It is a Jay, but Jays are nasty birds, very argumentative!! Keep smiling
Carole x
A Jay maybe...lol didn't know..cute though...

Jay's sneak in and out under the radar, very quiet bird so you have to keep um peeled to see one.
I have jays in my garden from time to time. They like nuts.
Hi Patty17, I enjoy visiting my Dads as you never now whats going to turn up next around his bird feeding area. A cock Pheasant was there 5 minutes after I took this pic so I snapped that aswell.
A kestrel game down a few weeks back while I was there and carried off a mouse that was feeding off the scraps under the bird feeder. I'm used to seeing sparrow hawks shoot past but I was surprised to see a Kestrel so close to his house.
I have a bird feeder in my garden and last year had lots of different birds. However the neighbourhood cats have decided to make my back garden their place to hang out so not getting many birds at the moment. I like cats as well so feel a bit conflicted. I once saw a crow steal a doughnut from a squirrel. The Magpie hops along behind the squirrel stealing the nuts he has just buried. I like animals nice to have something to take my mind off the illness.
I get woodpeckers on my nuts
A useful tip I heard on the radio...the commentator said " Tits like coconuts....but sparrows like breadcrumbs.
Get some Doly Parton ones then....they will be big enough for the Greater Tits and even the Crested Tits.
Yes CB, this is one area where size really does matter eh.
Dad gets Blue, Great, Coal, Long Tailed but not crested tits to his feeding area