Very Happy 2 Day .. My Advice To Othe... - Lung Conditions C...

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Very Happy 2 Day .. My Advice To Other BLF Suffers

37 Replies

Is LIVE life for the Highs and Manage the Lows.

Yep am very happy today WHY given my lung diease.

Well as with plumbob offcuts and myself and countless other's who have help and suropt me and dont let athourtys take the piss i recommend to others to appeal and fight there corner.

I recived letter today saying my blue badge application as been awarded and al get it in 2 week.

As with others it means i can try and stay active with out getting penalised for trying to preseve my life and health .. with the security of knowing a crawl back to securty of my car and what i know.

Anyway yep am very happy and video is good ilastration if simple exercise we can all do :)

Honastly am not trying to relive my youth.

But when as lung diease been relms of elderly only ... and a dont mean that in a mad way but lung diease affects everyone young old everyone .

37 Replies
huggs profile image

Hi Daz,

Well done on getting your blue badge at last. Life will be a bit easier now. I kicked some bu-t myself this week. After a very upsetting consultation with a doctor, who was harsh, didn't want to listen and took the huff because I pointed out that Nice and SIGN(in Scotland) were not being followed in my case. She got quite nasty, and its a long story, and some of it has been festering a while. Anyway I made a complaint to the Manager of the Health Centre, and while my complaint has not been put to her yet, the Manager was excellent and sympathetic. Keep well and keep using your badge. Its a badge of honour now! hugs xx

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to huggs

Huggs, I'm glad you stand up for yourself. I hope you won't have to change your doctor.Patients unite!

Keep going, you have rights. it seems the manager understood this. Hope you get help.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to helingmic

Hi Mick,

Nice to hear from you. How are you? I can't change my doctor as there is only one practice on the island, and its mostly been locums for the past 18 months. Its a long story, but as you have read the manager was very approachable. I find it hard to complain, but glad now that I did. People with chronic and or progressive conditions sometimes need a bit more time. The manager understood that, and various other points I brought up. Once I email the Manager with a structured letter, rather than my scrappy notes he wanted, which were just to prompt me, then the Dr will have to respond in writing to me. So we will see what happens. United we stand! Take care, and look after yourself. hugs xx

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to huggs

Hi huggs, I feel really well at the moment The doctor you saw was certainly not Dr Finlay. But I'm glad you stood your ground. I hope you get somewhere. Keep writing your structured letters! They will get there, You've got a good manager on your side.

huggs profile image
huggs in reply to helingmic

Hi Mick,

I'm delighted that you are feeling really well at the moment. Dr Finlay, she was not, but she is suppose to be one of the better ones!! Did you read my original post on this, and know what actually happened?

I have not long finished writing a draft of what happened, which will go to Graham (Manager), and he told me to call him by his first name. The letter will then go to the doctor. My hand written draft is 3 A4 pages long! I have given myself a break for a couple of hours, and I did intend trying to condense it. I realise though, that what I have put in, is what I wanted to explain to her, but she would not listen. I'll probably change a couple of things around, but I'll see later. The manager did ask if I would accept an apology from her, and of course I said that I would. However, when she sees the last paragraph when I say that I found her harsh, defensive, uncaring and unwilling to listen, I don't think she will be willing to do that. ha ha ha United we stand Mick.

You keep well and get writing that short story! lol. love and hugs xx

Hi. Huggs cheers thanks .. yep there are lots of dodgy pratices going on .. and would be nice if we did not have to compkain but needs must and our health is a need and a must.

Till thay get it thay dont understand .. yes its not nice complaning but if you and i did nit do our jobs propper would we still be there.

Think answer would be no ... well done for fighting your coner

congratulations on getting your blue badge dazisnotsogood, always nice to read of good news,xxx

in reply to

Hi twiceshy3 cheers yer was a surprise for me too geting it ... esp after home visit .. But yer makes nice change to have good news xx

dall05 profile image

Well done Daz, it seems you have to fight for everything these days. I feel sorry for those who haven't got any fight left in them though and end up losing out.

I enjoyed your dance video but I might have to pass on trying it out, she's a bit to quick for me. :)

Stay young Daz, it beats the alternative dun it'


peege profile image

A simple exercise we can all do? You having a larf Daz? I'm totally knackered now and it's only 7am!

Those are seriously uplifting vid clips, I love them and watched several. They really given me an energy boost. Thanks a million, I'll share them with my kids too who also love dancing. ... it wasn't that long ago my son & I were the last ones dancing at his birthday party at Cafe de Paris and kicked out at 6am. Ahhh, memories......

Fantastic news about your blue badge, no wonder you're made up & happy, blooming well done you for sticking it out (and sticking it to the athourtys). I'm so pleased for you xxx

Plumbob profile image

Great news about Blue Badge Daz am really pleased for you .. You can't lay down and let the government walk all over you ...I was seeing my MP yesterday with regards to time it takes to get a response from PIP.... Fingers crossed but never give up !!! Keep smiling

sassy59 profile image

Good for you Daz! Some light at the end of the tunnel at last. You are so right, lung disease does not discriminate and I wish everyone who has any form of lung problems all the health and happiness they can get. Pete is struggling with his back problem at the moment but he is not doing badly considering. Have a great weekend and get out in that car. Take care. xxxxx

mcnally profile image

So happy and well deserved xx

FarmerD profile image

High five for us Daz,I got my reply for blue badge too.My appeal was accepted.We have to fight for everything now.I,m just hoping I live long enough to appeal the decision on my pip claim so I can get a car to park in a disabled bay!lol.D.

in reply to FarmerD

Hi farmerD yer i got lowest rate pip with no mobility componante .. but yer think half battels won and yr is great news about your badge too :)

Offcut profile image

Well done on the badge!

You will then have the frustration of looking for the blue badge area that has 30% of cars without a badge which are either 4x4 or big cars so they do not get scratched. The joy of people giving you THAT LOOK "why does he park there"

Sainsburys and Asda have signs stating not displaying badges in there close bays will be charged and are usually abided with. Tesco I am afraid do not and it gets abused. I even saw a tesco checkout girl skip into work but to be fair they got her to move the car when I complained at Customer service. Morrisons at some branches used to announce the reg number and asking for their badge to be displayed but sadly not my local one.

Be Well

casper99 profile image

I'm glad something good has happened for you for a change Daz, let's hope it's the first of many, you deserve it. xx

eightyplus profile image

Nice one Daz, I don't drive but still have a Blue Badge, I got it so that people taking me for Radio Therapy could find convenient parking space at the hospital and alleviate the charges a little. Perhaps not right, but If I can't walk more than a few feet I don't feel guilty.

Anyone wanting to criticise could always stand in our shoes for a few days.

Go out and enjoy your new found freedom.

Lolly2 profile image
Lolly2 in reply to eightyplus

Here in France, some supermarkets had signs in the disabled bays saying, (In French of course,) Take my space Take my handicap. For some reason they have stopped this.

katieoxo60 profile image

Thats good news Daz and just in time for the summer if we get one. I agree with the sentiment if only these people had to stand in our shoes for a few days. What's your next fight to be? cos speaking from experience it's one long fight for illness sufferers to get their entitlements irrespective of age. Enjoy the parking freedom that's one step forward if only a small one.

newlands profile image

Hello Daz so pleased you have got your blue badge it will make a big difference to you , love your posts Daz take care

Dorothy xx

helingmic profile image

Daz, well done in getting your blue badge. You'll be able to get to the gym now! Seriously, as Huggs said, ti will make ti easier for you.

tigershay1 profile image

Great news for you daz about time xxx judith

onamission profile image

Hi Daz well done I hope you get the benefits sorted soon life would be so much better for us if people could understand what its like to live with a lung condition. If I get turned down for ESA I've decided I'm going to apply for a job on one of them adult sex lines as a heavy breather will make a fortune take care mate.xx

in reply to onamission

Hi onamission cheers yer i had problems to with esa job seekers told them given my lack of oxygen and cognative promlems we all have ... I told dhss all this esa pip crap might as well right to elvis on the moon becouse your writing to me ad its very rare anyone's in and said to snoty cleark who was just intrested in finding me a job .. you would get more sence from writing to elvis on the moon and refused to move as was to ill

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to

so did you get your ESA & PIP sorted I'm still waiting

in reply to onamission

Yer on ESA health grouop what ever that is .. Shits tried putting me on jobseekers like really told her ad swap my lung diease any day with her.

Thay all take the piss thses days you just get sick of fighting everything .. As if things are not bad enough with out them pilling it on.

A get low rate pip for only after getting my mp to give em shhhh .. But yer 12 months to get pip ... Industrial injurys upper chamber must be hoping have forgot as still waiting to hear from them .. as at my last IIDB asbestos appeale resulted in my giving there doc wat for.. for saying asbestos i have been coughing up in lung tissue is from food we buy.

So mp is hiding as he dont want to be draged into that scandle

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to

I got my MP on to my case but it was a waste of time he is labour and it was them who gave atos the contract. The next time you cough up muck from your chest you should send them a sample. I'm expecting to wait a year for PIP even though I know someone who get high rate pip mobility and care because they have diabetes and IBS it makes me mad and they get there claim sorted straight away no waiting a year labour should be ashamed of them selves setting up this lot, take care mate

in reply to onamission

Ye it pissed me of to .. need to give mp shhh ask him what sort of advocate are you .. stick with it YER when i was at jobceter i asked where are all the sick like me .. coz a can only see me hear need to be load .. apologetic when thay do help .. its like spy opps these days its like psyalogical warfare

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to

Daz they are trying to find a dr to do a medical for me they said that I needed to see neurologist what that has to do with COPD is beyond me the sooner they realise there is no cure for COPD the better. I'm coming back to haunt this lot revenge is sweet

in reply to onamission

Am lucky am cuming back as asbestos dust .. Thats as much as i can say .. but year said same to me waiting on doctor told my mp thats standerd bs letter format told him you didt fall for that did ya

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to

I'm going to live till I'm 145 to get back all the pension I paid while working 56 hours a week nights then I'm coming back and I will specialise in vasectomies for MP's but do it like a vet.

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to onamission

What a fantastic plan, onamission! xx

I just wanted to add to the good wishes daz, really well done! Its lovely to see you so upbeat as well. And what a great video, you are reliving your youth secretly..

Thank you. x

hufferpuffer profile image

Hey Daz! happy you have a blue badge!! nice one!! :D :D :D xxxxx

Toci profile image

Congratulations on the badge Daz. Sorry I can't manage the dance! x

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