Does anyone know about the health care there for coped. I have noticed the posts about Spain and Portugal. I know Ireland isn't that hot but the air is fresh . Thanks all x
Hi all not been on for awhile hope yo... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi all not been on for awhile hope you are all as well as can be expected. I have mild coped and am thing of moving to southern Ireland.

The air is fresh but we get lots of rain just like in the UK so not much of an improvement in terms of a change of air. Unless of course you're moving from a big city. As far as health care, don't expect much from the public system as it's overcrowded and underfunded. Sorry if I sound negative but I'm just trying to give you a realistic picture of the situation.
No cure. All you can do is stop it from getting worst and what is left of your lungs can have its efficiency maximized. I hope stem cells on rebuilding damage areas get to be a common thing sooner than later.
I live in southern Ireland we get lots of rain and damp very muck like the UK. It really all depends on what part of s Ireland you are moving too some counties have better services that others. I live near the cost so I have a beautiful beach I can walk winter and summer I find every time I walk on the beach my breathing improves but with lots of other health problems I don't get to do it as often as I would like.
My son lives in Ireland and the health service is not good, having a worse time than us, and it's not completely free, you have to pay for a lot of things, wouldn't recommend it. Hope you feel better soon. x
I live in Co Roscommon on the northwest coast and have stage four COPD...the hospital and GP care has been 100% waiting times for tests don't half rain
Found the total opposite in England re health care...nobody actually cared!

Hi vashti as I have the pre existing condition is it true that I would be able to travel to the north to buy meds there?
I honestly don't all depends on your finances as to whether or not you pay in the Republic...if your finances are low you can apply for a Medical card which enables you to many is means tested. Because we're classed as low income everything comes free...apart from a small contribution towards meds...and it's small.
Try Googling...there is plenty of info about coming to live in Ireland I think which covers most aspects about insurance and pensions and so on...please do pm me if you'd like more detail?

Thanks for your advice
you pay for everything.but the air is coming across the atlantic so is so clean. in Kerry the people live til they are 500 years old. my lovely sis lives there and she never had a breathing problem since she moved there 9 years ago... be lucky...
Hi all thanks for replies. I just love Ireland and hope to retire there. I have heard that I can drive to northern Ireland and get prescriptions there. I know I will be excluded on private medical insurance as have a pre existing condition will have to see what future brings. x
My ex husband was a squady so I have spent 13 years in Germany and loved it.
Air in Germany probably not the best but I suppose it depends where you go.