panic attack and leg convulsions/spasms(caused by lack of oxygen to the brain)it can get kinda scary because you have no control over it or how long it lasts for.
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this????
On a lighter note, a week today I get to collect( karens and my 15yr old daughter Chloe's)new motability car,Chloe's new taxi! It's been decided that as I am the only one who can drive(a car,not karen to distraction ladies lol)and I also get the D.L.A,and Karen is having lessons, that I shall be the designated driver/chaufer.Ive also been told that this is a fair deal(by karen and chloe)as I get the privelidge of driving their new car! Any comments on the 1st part of my post all welcome to reply, gentleman the 2nd part I give the floor over to you, lol. You all take care and breathe easy Aidi x