i just wondered , or rather i have just been told that you can get "signs" or "stickers" for inside the car windows,, to let people know that the car is carrying portable oxygen cylinders,,,, for obvious reasons!! god forbid, , anyone know where you can get them.
oxygen stickers in car windows - Lung Conditions C...
oxygen stickers in car windows

Never seen it over here (Aus.) Jimmy,but I think that's a brilliant idea! xxx.

hi wendells, i didnt even realize your were in Ausie, please excuse my ignorance, yes wendells i think it is a good idea,for obvious reasons,,,, i phoned the oxygen company this morning [not even realizing it was saturday, [more ignorance lol ],,, but they have taken my details regarding this and the approp, person will phone me monday, so i will let you know how i get on,,,kindest regards,, jimmy from bonnie scotland
Hi Jim, you can get the oxygen warning stickers from Amazon,there are several firms that sell them,it is a good idea i never thought of it my self,hope this helps you,good luck Jim
Hi Jimmy,
I have had one for years, you get them from your NHS oxygen supplier they are a card whgich comes in a little transparent wallet with a sticky back and are reusable when you change cars, mine was originaly supplied by Air products who were my original supplier but I think all the companies have them, if not I will photocopy mine and E Mail it to you.
Best Regards,
hi robert, thats good of you , i will find out monday, re, these stickers, meanwhile i willl pm my e mail addy,, thanks a lot robert ,, kind regards,,, jimmy
I got mine from the oxygen people I asked for them when I ordered more oxygen or ask the driver next time
I get mine from here.
Navigate to car stickers.
No VAT for us either !
hi puff, great links,, for many things,, big thanks jimmy
I asked about this, was told no. So I thought I would take one of the signs that we put in our windows and put one in the car window. Cut it some to make it smaller. I used to worry about this every time I was next to a car full of smokers.
hi salis,, i havent even got a sign for my window? i have never used my car in a long while, but would have health programms to take part in and would give it a try, if i were able, yes, that would be one of my worries as well, anyway at least i havent been refused yet, but will find out monday,, and help from other forum member,,,,all the very best salis,, jimmy
p.s i meant to say "other forum memberS,,didnt give me room for this on edit,,, but thanks all,,jimmy
Mine was supplied by Air Products, no charge.
I have one from air products but when I asked for another for second car I was told they're not needed anymore.
I carry a TREM card to show emergency services I am carrying 02 in my car, but never heard of a sticker for the car, and am sure my 02 company would have told me about it if true, as I have a transportable concentrator as well as the cylinders I carry in my car as a normal thing. I suggest you contact your own 02 supplier and ask about it, before listening to others, who may be in another country..
Would like to add that all 02 suppliers are different. I am with BOC healthcare. (formally Vitalair). Please can you let me know if you can get a sticker, so I can ask my supplier too? Thank you
I was advised to get them, but like yourself do not know where. I think I will ask my local fire station., will let you know.
From the fire brigade or so I have been told
got a phone call from B O C this morning, they do not do the stickers as they are not required by law.he then gave me the phone number of active mobilty [ the actual link is in a post above] but i purchased 4 for Β£10, two for the car, two for the house windows over the phone, this includes free postage,, phone number is 01642 8050 50 ,, jimmy
What about a couple of dozen stickers for when you need, or others catch the bus or train wearing o2 cylinders
can never be too careful these days jimmy