I suffer with blocked nose. Can anyone recommend on how to unblock my nose with any remedies
I'm on oxygen 15 hours a day. - Lung Conditions C...
I'm on oxygen 15 hours a day.

michelle nice to see you, have you tried nasonex you can get it of your gp,,xxx
Hi Michelle, oxygen used to cause my nose to block which is a problem when using nasel cannula, this problem went on for around 6 months but eventually corrected itself. I never get a blocked nose now. I found steam would help clear it but go careful with off the shelf meds as I tried one while I was in hospital which ended up with me getting some in my lungs, sent my head into a spin and the doctors and nurses into a panic. A few hours later and an emergency chest x ray etc, all was well again. It seems I didn't read the instructions and tipped my head back and the liquid ran straight down the back of my throat and into whats left of my lungs. Typical man!!
Tony x
Hi Michelle, I have used FESS saline spray for a long time. It always seems to fix my blocked nose.
Somebody on this site recommended menthol crystals (available from Boots) which I'm happy to pass on - just one or two tiny crystals in hot water and inhale. Powerful stuff - really works!
I use Olbas Oil. Worth a try.
I also use menthol crystals sometimes. I use them solid in a piece of tissue.
I have bronchiectasis and also suffer with a blocked nose. I use Breathe rite nasal strips each night and put a few drops olbas oil on a handkerchief next to my pillow. An essential oil called Ravensara is good to inhale. when my chest is particularly sore I take Robitussin guaifenicin. I read that salt inhalations were bad for someone like me who coughs up blood now and then so I avoid those. some people can get relief from salt and there are salt caves that are beneficial to some.
Hi Michelle
I use Naseptin cream which I get prescribed by the GP. The reason my nose gets blocked is that I get crusting inside my nose from the nasal cannular. The Naseptin softens the crusting and allows me to blow out the crusting and the build up of snot into a tissue. I have also used a few drops of Olbas oil in boiling water, stuck a towel over my head and inhaled the steam. Good luck unblocking your nose and good luck with the oxygen therapy.
Kind Regards
My wife has just discovered a new way to clear the nose, for a few weeks we have been experimenting with a fruit juicer, great way to start the day. This morning she found an article about why chest sufferers should have leek in the juice. So this morning she made one but did get a bit carried away the amount of leek. Well it cleared my nose and my lungs which had felt blocked and sore, I coughed up so much rubbish, it worked better than any drug. Just be careful if you try it and only use a small amount of leek to start with and increase it day by day. 6" of leek almost removes the top of you head
All good suggestions, but if you need temporary solution while waiting for unblocking, especially if you have a cold or virus, just disinfect the canula and put it into your mouth. It works just as well, though looks a bit weird especially if you are going out
My husband had surgery to remove polyps which we're blocking his sinuses &, on the advice of the consultant , since then he uses a nasal spray called Sterimar - it is readily available from any Pharmacy .
I too suffer from a blocked nose from time to time. I have a CPAP machine for sleep apnoea and and a blocked nose can cause problems. I now use a full face mask instead of a nasal one and use Sterimar when it is mild and Olbas oil is the big gun. If you do use Olbas Oil use very small amounts it is really strong and the smell lingers!
afternoon all my husband is the opposite his nose runs like a tap so iwould like to know how to stop this for him x x
Hi Michelle, my husband on oxygen now 24/7. He has found using a cotton bud with a smear of ky jelly helped. The pharmacy said its safe if not strange because it is water based, do not use vaseline. All the best.
Have you tried NeilMed solution with a squeezy bottle which comes with small sachets of sea salt and bicarbonate of soda which is mixed with water, microwaved for a few seconds to sterilise the water, then gently squeeze it up one nostril and it comes down the other. A good way to clear out any debris or mucus and hopefully clear your blocked up nose.It's very good but, unfortunately, not available on the NHS.
Thank you everyone my gp has now put me on a steroid nose spray. It seems to be working really well xx