I picked this one out as my favorite Daffodil, my dad says its an older variety with a double flower. The beauty of nature can help you forget your problems for a while and that's something we can all do with eh'
I picked this one out as my favorite Daffodil, my dad says its an older variety with a double flower. The beauty of nature can help you forget your problems for a while and that's something we can all do with eh'
That is beautiful,young Tony.Dont think I recall seeing a double one before.
Any news yet, on the back side? Do hope so,for your sake!
Love to you & the child bride,Wendells xxx
Wendells you made me laugh there
only on this site could we admire someones picture of a daffodil then inquire about his backside !!!!!
Nothing is sacred between us friends even our backsides
I LOVE daffodils and all the spring flowers...they ALWAYS make me feel happy and I so enjoy looking at them
Lovely picture
Thanks Dall
Wow sooo pretty .I just love all yellow flowers ...
Hi Tony. Such a clear picture. That's the biggest, fattest daff I have ever seen! Daff season has pretty well come and gone here I' sorry to say.
How are you and Mrs Tony anyway. Not seen you around recently or maybe I've just missed your blogs. A lot of old faces missing. Take care. Sara x
It's a cracker. I'm like ladyinspain I absolutely love yellow flowers. M x
Tony that's one beautiful daff I've never seen one so big before. I must say your pretty good at taking photos I wish I had that skill. I seem to get the light wrong and most times have a glare on the picks.
That is beautiful, I've tried growing double headed but they haven't looked as good as that. I love to see the daffs coming out, I know that spring is just round the corner.
What lovely daffs Tony. Absolutely beautiful. I would love those in my garden. Take care xxxx
Hope you are keeping well. Thanks for the photo of the daffodil. Its beautiful!! How fortunate you are to have a father who grows daffs in his orchard. My daffs are in 2 large flower pots and they haven't flowered yet. Have a good day.
that is lovely, i have seen double ones before but not like that xx
My favourite flower. Really cheerful happy flowers, make everyone smile. Especially a Dozy dormouse who is taking her time coming out from hibernation. How are you doing on the buses? - D x
Pure joy Lola.
That's lovely Tony! I have some like that, they were in the garden when I came to live here 30 years ago! xxx
Yeah!They are all over the place and make me smile at their sheer yellow beauty! I should have a gardener to put some more spring and summer flowers. My snap dragons have fone now. What I like too is the very slim and tall veronicas.
Can you tell me how to post pictures please? I could show you my veronica!
Yes, bright yellow daffodils to be seen now. Was coming home from the surgery on the buggy Friday gone and along side the busy main road there was a large patch of sweet violets out in flower. They were thriving on a narrow grass verge among dandelions and daisies, all a good source of nectar for early insects.
What a fabulous picture Dall05! I took the liberty of taking a copy and shall send it to all my friends etc for Easter. Just what I wanted, thank you.
Stay well
They are beautiful I don't think I have ever seen a daffodil like this can you buy the bulbs.
That's one beautiful daffodil Tony. It never ceases to amaze me the joy you get out of life. Your Dad? He's lovely too
digging for gold ?
Love them! they are my very favourite flower. Yellow is such a gorgeous colour.i am new on here so not sure if I am doing this correctly.