Really just need to calm me down a bit not please don't think I drink the bottle ! but just need to relax me before bed. Maybe very wrong- Any ideas of medication that might help please. So very worried. thank you
cant cleep so anxious and worried so ... - Lung Conditions C...
cant cleep so anxious and worried so have to have couple of glasses of red wine to calm me down - not good. any one else do the same. ?

nothing wrong with a wine to help you relax have you tried reading that some times works for me if all else fails i take a tamazapan take care x
Red wine is good for moderation. If you are really tempted to down the bottle, buy the small pub sized bottles but only buy a days drinking at once. Have you ever noticed that the more time you spend worrying about lack of sleep, the harder it is too sleep? Medication may help but perhaps a few small adjustments to life style might help better. Once you interupt your sleep pattern it takes a couple of days of work to get it back. Don't cap nap. don't stay on the computer at bedtime, have a warm bath and chill.
hi heho, i sometimes have a few glases of red wine of an evening now and i wake up in the night maybe 2 or 3 am and get up and have a cuppa for half or an hour then always go back to sleep has this has become a way of life now and not that botherd by it
not sure if its the wine doing this to me or my copd
My friend loved her red wine! In moderation its fine - surely. But if you think its too much - then perhaps it is. My husband who suffers with severe COPD uses Rescue Remedy for Night. A few drops on his tongue seems to do the trick. There are some other herbals teas that are good for relaxing eg. camomile. Have you tried meditation - not easy but worth the effort. Take good care, TAD xxx

thank you
Can you try replacing your last couple of mugs of tea with decaf tea? Stopping the cigs might be making your body more sensitive to caffeine. Buy the best that you can afford, Twinings English Breakfast Tea tastes the best (mind you, cheaper than cigs). M&S decaf is ok.
If I drink I mug of normal tea after 4 pm I'm awake to 2-3am..
Get some books in, try some deep breathing, there are loads of helpful clips on YouTube. Relaxation cd. Mind over matter cd, Paul McKenna is brilliant.
PS. How much is in your savings jar?
thank you - all good
hi heho, i dont think theres anything wrong with what you are doing, as long as its in moderation, i stopped drinking well over 12 years ago,, but i didnt drink in moderation then, i have nothing against drink, but its just not for me,, you can buy a simple spray from most chemists "rescue night spray, for a natural nights sleep" its not a medication, just flower essences, its no magic cure, but will do you no harm whatsover, best of luck heho,, and remember no one really died of lack of sleep but off course its nice to get a decent nights sleep, i am a worrier really, but now if i awake instead of tossing and turning,,,just get up for a cuppa, read part a book, then back to kip, best of luck heho,, jimmy
We have to have our pleasures. Don't worry about a few glasses of wine that help you to relax, and more so if it take the edge off a bad breathing day. I have a couple of pints of lager a night. Three in fact. so what. Copd has more chance of downing me than three pints a day. Have a quiet relaxing tipple in the evening. Relax and enjoy. Only if you start opening the bottle in the morning and all through the day do you have a problem. Happy tippling
@ peeg - a fellow twinnings addict here! Fabulous stuff.
Heho, might I make a suggestion for the next time you're lying in bed unable to settle. Not that red wine isn't lovely. But as a mental exercise it can be very helpful to 'box' your concerns. Acknowledge that there is actually nothing being achieved by lying there and worrying about something save for winding yourself up further. Nothing can be fixed by fretting. So create a box in your mind and put your concerns inside. This is your worry so treat it with care and respect. Perhaps lining your box with soft velvet or whatever take your fancy. Bed it down for the night and pop a lid on. You can decorate your box in whatever way feels right to you and seal it up with thick ropes, huge blousy ribbons, clanking chains or soft silk ropes. But seal it. Push it to one side in your head and remind yourself that it will still be there in the morning (when perhaps you'll be more able to deal with the contents) but for now it's 'boxed' and can stay that while because right now you need to be able to rest. If the thoughts continue to push at your mind simply push the box further away from you and remind yourself "I will deal with that in the morning. But right now, I'm going to sleep!"
I usually have about 100 mls of cheap whisky seems to do the trick I weight 77 kilo's so weight may be a facter
Thank you.
thank you
Heho - a little bit of what you fancy does you good, I often have a couple of glasses of red wine and it helps me unwind a little.But be careful not to become dependent on it as a relaxing method. When I'm restless I sometimes leave the radio on low volume overnight so if I do wake I listen to the music rather than let my mind wander in all sorts of directions !!.... worth a try !! - plumbob
Before I was given spine block for my lower back pain I would drink a bottle of white wine every night just to be able to sleep and even now when my pain relief wears off I'm tempted to drink but I know its not good so I will read a book or relax in a bath
I have found a combination of Diazepam and a good audio book work for me, I listen to something easy going, Sherlock Holmes, Mark Twin, PG Wodehouse, anything that does not require too much brain power. I seem to just reach the point where either I doze off or can switch it off and relax. Have you tried a self hypnosis disk, they sound a little weird when you sit and listen to it the first time, give it chance you might need to hear it several times, lay back and let it work Good luck I hope you get some sleep