there was a nun on the bus, when i noticed her reading the pigeon weekly magazine, in amazement i said to her " surely you dont keep pigeons" "no" she said, i really just found the magazine on the floor and am just doing the crossword in it. she said "in fact, if you keep pigeons you might be able to help me finish this crossword" " i am stuck in the very last word to finish it" so i said "just give me the clue" she said i am looking for a four letter word ending in " IT" and the clue is,,,,"to be found on the pigeon loft floor" oh i said that will be" GRIT",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
then she embarrassingly said OH,, DO YOU HAVE A RUBBER
the older ones will get that
the younger ones might call it an eraser,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or something else!!!!
,,,,,my, how times have changed