Hi Guys hope you are all well, time to wake up Dozy Dormouse the sun is out, I have been very slow and anything i do is so much an effort my GP says it's a kickback from the chest infection i had last month, It brought back what happened to me last march when a combo of meds made we so ill I did not think I was coming back from it and my mobility was down to nearly nil, any clues or advice.Mattcass
Advice very much appreciated.Mattcass - Lung Conditions C...
Advice very much appreciated.Mattcass

Could be the meds I am on a balance on what I take as they seem to upset each other all the time. Most of mine are for my heart and Lungs but they do affect one or the other. If one is increased it can make the other worse!
I have felt wasted this week and my Left Lung/side is so sore the past few days as well.
Hope you get it sorted soon.
Be Well
Mattcass - I can only say that when my husband has had chest infections that have made him ill, it has taken him months to recover properly. That's probably not want you want to hear but I have noticed it is a very slow process. He was also extremely bad when he was given some blood pressure medication that did not agree with him, I was really worried that he would not recover BUT he did and I am sure you will too, look after youself. TAD xx

Hi Tad, Thank you very much i hope your husband is keeping a bit better, it looks like i will have to take it easy for now.Matt
Ooh, yawn, and a big stretch. Did someone call? Oh Matt is it Spring already, beginning to feel it's time to rejoin the land of awake. Apart from a bit of a chest infection and feeling sad at the loss of a very dear friend, I'm fine. Nearly ready to take on the world but will start with getting out of bed and mucking out the nest. You know you can conquer all especially now I am back to nag. Love to you and Fran Dozy x