Today might be the day: I get on the... - Lung Conditions C...

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Today might be the day

Steph57 profile image
113 Replies

I get on the treadmill my excuse was not appropriate foot wear but no more my daughter got me some WHITE PUMPS as she knows I won't wear trainers ( she's soo thoughtful) my get the Schnauzer to get on it with me. I'll keep you posted on this one!!!

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Steph57 profile image
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113 Replies
mickyt profile image

It's a must, you have to get on the treadmill if you've got white pumps lol!! :)

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to mickyt

I knew you'd have something to say Micky. Haha x

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to mickyt

Hey Mickyt did you check out my white pumps I put a photo up. X

Suzy6 profile image

Please do. Keep me posted how you get on Steph. Discussing with Hubby will we buy one. We both feel we do not get enough exercise, especially in winter. Good luck. Start slow and gradual remember no knackering yourself too soon.

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to Suzy6

Suzy me and the Schnauzer can right here right now assure you we won't knacker ourselves out! It's not a fast machine you can't have a fast machine and a fast woman at the same that's only asking for trouble. X

Suzy6 profile image
Suzy6 in reply to Steph57

Ha Ha Ha. What a tonic you are. Your reply has me laughing my head off. Hubby thinks I'm more dotty than usual. Give us a little excitement Steph and be both.

scrobbitty profile image

Move it sister, get on it now :) xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to scrobbitty

Hi Scrobbitty I'm building myself up to it should I have a bounty first? X

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to Steph57

Well now that depends. Perceived wisdom says that if you exercise on an empty stomach, it doesn't make you feel hungry but if you exercise with bounty's bouncing around inside, it will make you hungry. So you've got to decide which scenario suits you better. In my case, I'd eat a bounty or two. :D xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to scrobbitty

I'll leave the bounty alone. Getting on it now Scrobbitty i may be some time! X

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to Steph57

Don't be too long on it for your first time or you will crawling around on all fours all day........... slowly, slowly .......... you can do it! xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to scrobbitty

Too late for that advice Scrobbitty the deed is done. 30 mins with a break for asda delivery man at the door. 45 cal burn off later out of puff. But glad I did it. X

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to Steph57

Very wellington done - you get to do it all again tomorrow ;) xx

Sohara profile image

Good job you weren't at any 'bad girls party' last night then Steph :) :)

Let me know how you get on with the treadmill, I keep thinking about getting one, its the room they take up that puts me off a bit

So put on the music and 'Way to Go ' Steph

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to Sohara

Hi Sohara there's nothing like a bad girls party to give you the incentive! Xx

hufferpuffer profile image

Yeay! go for it, I loved the ones in PR and wish I had one but lucky I have a big garden! let us know how you get on and remember to pace yourself Steph! :) xxx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to hufferpuffer

Hi hufferpuffer thanks I will. Never used one before but I'm game. X

Sohara profile image

That's what I say Steph.. I may not be a chicken anymore, but I 'm game :) :)

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to Sohara

The older the bird the tastier it is Sohara. X

Sohara profile image

You are such good fun Steph :) :) have a good 'work out' on your mill

Hop on girlfriend,& I want a pic of you on it,in your white pumps!! xxx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to

Hey Wendells look on my post the WHITE PUMPS are on it now just edited it for you. Xx

Steph57 profile image

And before anyone says it's not plugged in this was taken after the marathon,!!!!

Oh Steph that's brilliant,couldent see the pic before.Just make sure you don't go to hard at first,take it easy! Let us know how you get

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to

Wendells I managed 30mins at a moderate pace heart beat up and a touch warm breathing fast but I'm ok now I've had the old puffer and a sit down. Xx

You did so well,good on you.You have me feeling exhausted now & I'm off to bed! (it is 11pm here as well) lol.Night night xxx

Sohara profile image

30 mins is BRILLIANT Steph well done

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to Sohara

Thanks Sohara not bad for my first attempt felt a bit funny after no one told about shaky legs or fuzzy head but I'm good. X

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to Steph57

Some things are better left untold otherwise nothing would get done LOL :) xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to scrobbitty

I will do it again tomorrow Scrobbitty but just at this moment I'm enjoying cheese and crackers have to keep my strength up the machine said I done in 42 cals! X

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to Steph57

I'm waiting for son to bring egg and cress butty and for the cat to relinquish the treadmill as his nominated kipping place and then it's on it and at it LOL xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to scrobbitty

Mmm egg and cress not had that in ages enjoy when you get it. I tried to get the Schnauzer on it with me but he wasn't having none of it. Happy treading Scrobbitty. X

Steph57 profile image

Hey Pinocchio a bit more credit please! First time ever on a treadmill not bad going. X

sassy59 profile image

Loving the white pumps Steph and good luck with the treadmill. Don't overdo things now! xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to sassy59

Hey Sassy I've not owned a pair of white pumps since I was maybe 5 yrs old I don't like trainers so my daughter got me the white pumps. Glad you like them I might start a trend what do you think. X

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Steph57

Consider the trend well and truly started. xxxx

Steph57 profile image

Hey Sassy you'll have to join in our now infamous party night next time. Chocolate and a tipple of your choice. X

Steph57 profile image

Hey Pergola we now know what your tipple is you can have white wine at our next party. Xx

longlungs profile image

Haha Steph loving the picture! You go girl.! Mines outside so wont be able to use til the better weather happens along like you am hoping to get my Bailey on it for walkies.Good game well done. :) Janexx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to longlungs

Hi jane glad you like the pic I'm trending the white pump my daughter got them for me not sure if she was serious or having a laugh whatndomyou think about my pumps.

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to Steph57

I think their very becoming very sexy :D Janexx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to longlungs

Hey jane when I was on the treadmill Eric kept getting my shoe laces on my lovely pumps he kept pulling them shaking them and growling at the same time I couldn't do anything laughing that much. So you will have to watch Bailey when you get back on yours. X

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to Steph57

I can definitely see Bailey doing the same thing already as i walk into the kitchen he grabs onto my crocs at every step I take! I can see him being windy about going on treadmill or him jumping on and flying over the garden fence ! :) Janexx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to longlungs

I can't wait to see how he reacts. That Scrobbitty is at it I've noticed. X

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to Steph57

Me too love him,yes i think scrobbitty is doing well by the sounds of it :) Janexx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to longlungs

Oh by the way jane I read that no joy or fun in it what so ever if you know what I mean! Xx

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to Steph57

Oh dear thats such a shame isnt it! :) Janexx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to longlungs

I didn't expect any. So dull. Yawn yawn. X

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to Steph57

You can only lead a horse to water cant make them drink it unfortunately.Ive tried :) Janexx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to longlungs

Don't let scrub bitty too near the chops.x

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to Steph57

lol chops whose got them? lol :p Janexx

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to Steph57

I've been well at the spaghetti bologwhatsist that the kids have just cooked, that combined with the awfully lots of red wine to wash it down with and sobbing myself soggy with watching The Green Mile, I can conclude totally that I am 'at it' :D xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to scrobbitty

Aw I've seen the green mile I was the same. I'm getting at it now too Scrobbitty. Did you enjoy your dinner? X

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to Steph57

Oh it was heavenly - tasted as good as it smelt - bless their cottons. The only downside is that apparently I get to do the washing up. Oh well, tomorrow is another day! :) xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to scrobbitty

Get that washing up done and come back butterfly has invited us to her party hurry up welll as fast as you can will do. X

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to Steph57

is butterfly putting up post? :) Janexx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to longlungs

She didn't say and she's not replied from my last post. X

butter-fly profile image
butter-fly in reply to longlungs

I'm here Jane, I'm here! Sara xx

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to butter-fly

elloelloello butterfly whos pouring the drinks round here Ive bought ice and some snacks ,yes ladies that includes choccies! :) Janexx

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to longlungs

Well I've got some red wine left, some JD and a whole lot of Baileys........... swap for choc :) xx

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to scrobbitty

Done that'll do nicely fanx I have bought baileys aswell, dont want you talking about me :D Janexx

butter-fly profile image
butter-fly in reply to longlungs

Okay you can come in. And no, but no pumps. Wish I could do smiley faces! Sara xx

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to butter-fly

hey there sara we changed venues cos our puters cant cope with post so ive put new post up hurry up and come over. :) Janexx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to butter-fly

Sara we've got another party I mean post your invited. X

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to Steph57

The washing up can wait, just been walking about trying to get the spaghetti to my toes, I think I ate a bit too much for the little stomach. So, I'm well on the way now and nearly at the door butterfly ............. knock, knock ............... :) xx

Steph57 profile image

Hey Sara there was vodi I had it had a laugh no harm done you'll have to come next time. X

Steph57 profile image

Have to stay off other peoples posts if we want to have a giggle in future. Did some one complain? X

Steph57 profile image

Hey butterfly Sara here's me in my pumps. No longer a treadmill virgin! X

butter-fly profile image
butter-fly in reply to Steph57

Showing off are we! (Just jealous!) Now I want to cry. Everybody's got a treadmill and doing all this walkin' and stuff and has got nice new sneakers, sorry pumps and now I bet no one will talk to me again because I don't have all that stuff.

Seriously, well done gal and give it wellie tomorrow! Sara xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to butter-fly

Can't use wellies on the treadmill Sara could lead to a nasty accident. Xx

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to butter-fly

Did someone squeek? ;) Oh bless ya, you've got an imagination? You can imagine treadmills and pumps and furry animals eating your laces .................. :) xx

butter-fly profile image
butter-fly in reply to scrobbitty

Hi scrobbitty, just need a fairy godmother now. Well, a new set of lungs would do the job! I'm off to PR pretty soon so if do okay there I'll toot my horn and get a treadmill. To stay on for 2 mins was the best I could last time

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to butter-fly

Two mins is better than no mins and you will improve so much you will be amazed! Tonight you can forget all about rotten lungs and feel like you did before - see? it's working already! :) xx

butter-fly profile image
butter-fly in reply to scrobbitty

You're a star! Cheered me up. Sara xx

butter-fly profile image
butter-fly in reply to scrobbitty

Sorry scrobitty. sent my blog to Jane (who is a star as well) Sara xx

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to butter-fly

hahahaha oh bless ya! :) xxx Just tripped over the cat, not quite sure who was more surprised although he is glaring at me now!

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to scrobbitty

Well that's not being agile scrobbitty is the cat ok. X

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to Steph57

The cat's fine andback on the treadmill and I nearly had cause to regret leaving my dirty plate on the floor (yes, I am that lazy, slovenly, messy person you thought I might be LOL) :) xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to scrobbitty

I think we already guessed about you Sccrobbitty. X

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to Steph57

I'd hate to disappoint :) xx

Steph57 profile image

He! He! Sohara you go for both girl you no the saying a sheep for a lamb. You've joined our club weather you like it or not. Don't worry we'll look after you. X

Steph57 profile image

Hey Sara cheers another gone the wrong way. Welcome to the dark side. Xx

nanaber profile image

Good luck with it don't do to much to soon or you'll pull something

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to nanaber

A man I hope Nanaber. Thanks. X

butter-fly profile image

DARKSIDE EXCLUSIVE!! All Darkside COPDers (did I just say that?! I will surely get bumped off the site for insubordination!)

Anyway, to all choccy lovers and of course the crème-de-la-crème, the boozy buddies, the party is in London. Too far? Use your broomsticks, that goes for Warlocks too.

Sure to get kicked off now. Sara xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to butter-fly

Hey Sara I'm on my way from Old Trafford won't be too long. Scrobbittys nearly there not sure about jane oh and Sohara. X

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to Steph57

Slight delay, need to stop for more supplies .............. it's a good job I'm not on any pills that react badly to the red stuff! :) xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to scrobbitty

There you are I thought you'd done one I was just about to use the 'c' word. He! He!. X

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to Steph57

See how agilie I am, jumping around all over the place like a flea on a candle :) xx

Steph57 profile image

Good girl jane I knew you wouldn't let us down. X

Steph57 profile image

Scrobbittys gone missing too. Have to try and get her back.x

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply to Steph57

I'm Alive, No. Five ! but very, very, very full of food. :D xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to scrobbitty

Where's jane gone now ?

Steph57 profile image

Why are you leaving me out Sara am I not a star too. X

butter-fly profile image
butter-fly in reply to Steph57

I'd give you a double star but then I wouldn't get invited to any parties and NO ONE would talk to me. You know how sensitive I am!. And no, but no white pumps at my party! Tee Hee Sara xx

scrobbitty profile image

Now that is energetic! Last time I played tennis was when I was a slip of a thing - I moved on to squash because the racquet was lighter :) xx

Steph57 profile image

Sorry I meant chocs that damn spell checker again it's going to grit me in trouble. He! He,X

Steph57 profile image

Sara I'm not coming to yours if I'm not allowed to wear my pumps. X

butter-fly profile image
butter-fly in reply to Steph57

OK but no showing off and only if you stay outside. xx

Steph57 profile image

Whilst on the treadmill yesterday I was disturbed by the asda delivery man I was so enthusiastic to get back on it I didn't check my bags big mistake. 15 mins later unpacking said bags I came across courgettes I had ordered a marrow to make stuffed marrow and instead I had the evil cousins 3 of the b.....s. What to do I stuffed those little mothers anyway. The out come wasn't as good as the stuffed marrow but needs must. Just thought I'd share this with all of you. X

Steph57 profile image

Can I get some help moving my treadmill please! Ha! Ha!.

butter-fly profile image
butter-fly in reply to Steph57

Sorry can't assist, got to go shopping now. I'd have thought you'd have built up some stamina by now what with all that treading in your white pumps. Serves you right eating all that choccy! 'Bye Sara xxx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to butter-fly

Hi Sara did you buy some choccy whilst you were out shopping. The Schnauzer keeps pulling at the laces of them pumps so I can't see them lasting too long. Xx

junespoon profile image

Yes your looking the part, enjoy.x

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to junespoon

Thanks junespoon just did 30mins on it slowly. X

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to Steph57

Oi misses pace yourself ? I started doing my swampies daily made me quite queer have slowed down 2-3 times a week. :D Janexx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to longlungs

I know I don't think I'll be treading tomorrow feel a bit achy now I'll leave it till Tuesday now. Not seen owt of Scrobbitty today Jane though she did have a couple. X

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to Steph57

Haha shes got the kids about she might be caught up with them,she was waiting for them to come back last night may have had a late one and feeling weary.Or the hangover from hell ! i think she was only having cyber drinkies she'd had red vino with dinner mind and was bloated.Truth is I dunno lol :) janexx

Steph57 profile image

Hey Scrobbitty glad your ok. Night see you tomorrow. I'm having a Telly night too. X

Steph57 profile image

Hi Mickyt hope you had a good day wth your son and enjoyed your Sunday roast. Eric and me we had steak very nice it was too. X

Steph57 profile image

Hey Brooke how are you today. So glad your getting some help now. Xxxx

junespoon profile image

Wow 30 mins is great, very good.xx

Steph57 profile image
Steph57 in reply to junespoon

Thanks junespoon i only walk at a normal walking speed but it still helps.xx

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