Dont know if my first post went through will write a shorter version. I have used crown breatheasy paint twice now and twice i have had a chest infection wondered if this is just me or has anyone else been effwcted by this paint thankyou
Crown paints: Dont know if my first... - Lung Conditions C...
Crown paints

Hi Birdlover
the only paint that does not affect me is emulsion anything else and I suffer. many years ago I had my hall painted by a professional painter and spent 10 days in hospital. more recently we have used a water based paint which seems to be better but as to what brand it was I have no idea!!!! Good luck
Hi birdlover, paint is one of my asthma triggers. It does not give me an infection but the fumes make me wheeze....but I actually found that the Crown paint was least likely to do it....oil based gloss and those silicone fillers that come in tubes are bad.
I used to wear a mask but now find I cannot paint at all...just not enough breath. Very annoying as I have had a tin of anti mould paint for the bathroom for ages, so I will have to pay someone when I can have the windows open to do it. My daughter used a special sealing paint and that made her asthma worse.
People in my art class use acrylic or oil paints, but I am ok with those as I am only in the room for a short time.
acrylic paint is water based but not all makes of acrylic paint are the same i have found that some there is no smell or fumes at all where others stink the house out .same as enamel paint being a long time model maker i have tried most makes of paint and there are differances between the makes
Hi birdlover - sorry you've had this happening. The paint couldn't actually give you an infection but maybe it could weaken your lung tissue so that it would be more susceptible to infection and perhaps your immune system less able to fight off infection.
My unscientific theory is when you paint a large area then you are putting fumes vapour in the air as it is drying out. Also It may well be the preparation before the painting sanding or washing the paintwork down.
I had a family DIY/Locksmith business, one of the trade glosses we sold was a great paint and lasted for ages but I could not use it as it made me so ill.
I was talking to a painter who said fumes from the new style odourless paints nearly killed him ...... he won't use them.
Funnily enough, the fumes from artist oil-based paint can also be very dangerous ..... & art is something a lot of us with lung issues have turned to.
Part of the damage to my lungs was caused by cellulose thinners (now banned) .... I used to spray cars when I was a lot younger.
Hi birdlover my kids just decorated 3 of my rooms and I used leyland paint just kept windows and doors open no problems and anything sets my chest off. X
I have used a low odour paint before but I find you can not wash it as well as others. I have a guy to come and do my painting now and he uses oil based paint it does stink but leaving the windows open helps and with oil based paint it does not go yellow
Hi Birdlover
I have heard of people beening affected by different paint, i guess keep away from it
I can't use gloss paints and have not done so for years. For the woodwork I use eggshell brilliant white. For walls and ceilng I use vinyl silk a it is easy to keep clean. I can't decorate much at all now but I am okish if I open windows and use those paints. Wish I could afford a man who can. Alson
If you have to paint yourself, buy a good, I mean good face breathing mask, it reduces the odours in the paint and will help, all windows and doors open for as long as you can. If I have to paint, which I usually do. I try to arrange a days painting, with face mask, and then off to a friends to sleep the night out of the environment where the fumes firm the paint will linger. Hope this helps. X