Well the decorator here he's got Dulux ecover paint any tips for keeping paint smells to a minimum please
Painting : Well the decorator here he's... - Lung Conditions C...

Get some onions do not peel cut in half and put round the room were he has painted

Thanks David

Put some bicarbonate of soda on a saucer and put it in the room.soaks up the fumes,got that off a very good decorator.😊 xx Bernadette
If it's not raining open all the windows - even if you have to wear your outdoor togs.
Choose a paint which has absolutely no fumes. They are available. I now can do my own decorating for hours on end.
We have a painter in I asked him to get a paint which had low omissions he brought Dulux trade I had no problem with emulsion but he still has undercoat and glossing to do so fingers crossed
Don't use oil based paint, even if you can breathe it stinks the place out. Water based paint for woodwork is fine, easier to use and easier to clean up. Some painters are a little old fashioned, I'd insist no oil gloss.