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pillock profile image
25 Replies

new to the community, don' t know much about the medical stuff, just found this on google when I typed COPD

brilliant, find it hard to breathe but not on oxygen as yet, was stupid smoking, what a pillock

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pillock profile image
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25 Replies
stone-UK profile image


Welcome to the forum, you will find lots of informative people here, just ask any questions, or right any post.

Oxygen should not be feared after all it is only another medicine, not all people require oxygen.theraphy.

pergola1 profile image

Hullo, you did the right thing to come on the forum. Someone will always come forward with advice, comfort and even a joke to cheer you up, if you need it. You have a lot to click on to find lots of info. I think a lot of us are ex smokers, having chucked the habit.

grandadbrian profile image

Welcome Pillock you are not on your own for being one, join the club ! Like you I have copd but I am not on oxygen. Take Care. Regards: Brian

sassy59 profile image

Welcome pillock and hope you enjoy using this site. It is full of lovely people, only too willing to give support. xxxx

SecondLife profile image

Welcome, hope you find all of the information you require. I am a carer to my hubby who has COPD but also has asbestosis, he doesn't require oxygen, it has been a long hard slog but have finally managed to find the right combination of medicines, food and exercise which have greatly improved the condition. Good luck.

LittleUsker profile image

Aw no....your not a just got on the same bus as a lot of others did!......Smoking's a pain in the bejeebers and I've kicked it out the window finally and this is a great place to have a read and understand a bit more about your COPD....I have it too....knew for a long time but chose to ignore and that was pretty dumb. Welcome to the family :)

You are no more a pillock than anyone else!! Lots of things to keep you well including asking to be referred for a pulmonary rehab course - exercise (essential to keep you well) and knowledge. Find out all you can to stay well! My husband has just started with oxygen been great - just another medication! Long May you stay well TAD xx

allan49 profile image

hi i to have just been diagnosed with copd,have been put on an inhaler as breathing is starting to affect me was told to stop smoking but i find that really hard to do!!suffered with bad pains in my calf muscles had angioplasty last christmas to try and open the leg artiries with some success but still get a little pain and cramps im type 2 diabetic as well.

LittleUsker profile image
LittleUsker in reply to allan49

Hello allan49.....nice to meet another new peep on here.....Its a different world isn't it, things change when we get diagnosed with something like this. Hope you find comfort and answers in reading through some of the posts on here....I know I have and also some not so comforting things but one step at a time, one day at a time. I hope you can manage to stop smoking. I didn't and got a nasty bite in the bum from my first exacerbation so dropped the fags pdq! Onwards and upwards :)

allan49 profile image
allan49 in reply to LittleUsker

thanks will try to stop smoking!!going to be hard though will keep looking at this site

Paperback profile image
Paperback in reply to allan49

stop smoking day March 12 BLF supported

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to allan49

Hi there allan49 welcome to this friendly forum loads of info support and some giggles thrown in for good measure.Its got to be done allan please please try and stop the old smoking i no its hard Im 6 mths into the stopping.You have 3 very large warning bells ringing at you , copd,arteriosclerosis and diabetes all very serious as im sure you are completely aware of all the things that could happen.The good people on here supported me fantastically Iwas on all the time in the very early days saying how it was going also had patches,inhalator and e.cig haha well you know how it is? I smoked 60 aday for45 yrs its not easy but if you can get your head into that frame of really wanting to you will i promise you.If you have the slightest Ido but i dont its not the right time.Listen to what your body is trying to tell you.Sorry allan end of lecture.Happy days my friend :) Janexx

longlungs profile image

Hi there pillock( haha) sorry doesnt seem right to say hello to your name.Anyway welcome to this very friendly supportive forum.Lots to learn lots of help and lots of laughs.So from one pillock to another get stuck in and enjoy.Nice meeting you. :) Janexx

appyalison profile image

Hi there pillock. This is the first time I've met someone with the same name as our old dog. Current dog answers to idiot. Welcome to the family. I don't have COPD but a few other diseases. Many people here do though so you can find out about medication etc. Good luck. :-) Alison

cofdrop-UK profile image

A very warm welcome to you pillock - love your name btw.

love cx

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

Hi and welcome pillock. Love the name ! I was a pillock too ! :)

nannyb profile image

Evening pillock, Welcome to the site, I am all ways falling of the wagon, when it comes to stopping smoking, I keep trying. You will find lots to chat about on hear, with all these good people. take care nannyb xx

tigerhouse profile image

Hiya we ourself,s have only been on here barely 2 weeks and thank goodness we have a site like this, so many fellow members with so much information that most people can relate to - compare their conditions , what they know about regarding equipment , procedures etc etc, as sometimes it's so hard to take it what is said in hospital etc, so yes welcome , feel that this feels like having a whole new extended family & if you feel a little down somedays have a look at the joke page , cheers me up no end.

Roger1 profile image

hello pillock, you are not a pillock for smoking,most of us are pillocks if you are

frose profile image

If you use an iPhone or iPad etc you might find Jason Vale's (the 'juice master') app helpful in stopping smoking - good luck!

casper99 profile image

Hi pillock, (don't feel right calling you that.) Longlungs' advice is spot on. I've struggled for 2 years trying to stop smoking, but, I have kept having half hearted attempts throughout. A couple of weeks ago, something changed in my attitude. I went from I can't/ don't really want to. To, I must cos it's worrying me. I'm sick of doing it and I can stop.

I realised the thought of stopping dead made me panic and smoke more So, I cut down to one, using an e- cig and Totally wicked e-liquid as suggested by another poster and am now on day 10 without one.

You do have to be in the right frame of mind but thinking you'll smoke away until it comes is not the answer, you have to keep trying/ cut down till it does.

agreed, smoking is stupid, i was a pillock for 35 years, beeb off for 5 years now so damage done, that said it is never too late to stop.

snow54flake profile image

welcome we have all been there and done it i have given up now 14 months best thing i ever done wish i had never started marian xxx

snow54flake profile image

hi again i would advise reading the Alan Carr help to stop smoking very good book marian xx

Steph57 profile image

Hi we've all been pillocks those of us that smoked and still smoking. It's done now focus on finding what works for you. Hind site is a terrible word.

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