Under replies: there are 2 arrows oldest and newest. There may have been X number of responses. I find that not all are shown. I check oldest and newest and find they can differ, too. Sometimes some posts are missing. Food for thought on a wet windy afternoon.
Puzzled!: Under replies: there are... - Lung Conditions C...
I have noticed recently pergola that if there are a lot of replies it can take an age for them to load and so it can look like they are missing. Try to give it a little time and then it should work. x
All very techie messages getting onto screen happy with that
The buttons indicate the order you wish them to be shown.
As stated long post ..... Picture...... Several replies, and a mixture of all three can take an age to load.
It can put people of.
There again if you click the newest button you wil jump to the end of the list!
I thought it was just me who cant make head or tails of the replies and latest activity
would never dream of whinging about it though as itis all so newto me and this is the best on the internet
The Latest Activity thing is completely beyond my ken. I just click on questions or posts and see what is new from the last time I was there, lol. Pergola's not whinging though, I can appreciate what she is saying as the wait can drive you potty; especially, as Stitch says, when you know there is something there, if only you could see it!
Agree with this, Stitch. First and last dont always correspond - should be the same in both. Doesn't help if I forget to press the reply button!
Sorry just dont like people complaining might be a better word, we are so lucky and should appreciate that things arent always perfect
just Getting the hang of how things work pergola so i have no complaints
When using PC don't have this problem, only on ipad.
Me to Blakey! When on iPad I always tap it,after last reply,& more often than not,others pop up!! xx
Forgot to say, Looking at the arrows, my post appears on one and not the other. Really not an issue (?) but we should click on both arrows to see all. x
I just did that (click on both arrows, and i see pergola at both end! No not an issue, really :))