I am undecided what to do.
Has anyone decided to opt out and hav... - Lung Conditions C...
Has anyone decided to opt out and have you received the Government's leaflet.
I have the leaflet but at first I thought it was just another flyer and nearly binned it...still undecided on what to do.
There's a fair bit of reading on that care data site.
Thank you for this information we are opting out on monday x
We still have not had the leaflet but have decided to wait no longer and will opt out on Monday.
I have the leaflet and I am going to opt out but have not yet written the letter to GP surgery as is required if opting out.
The leaflet looks like the one in the link Suzy6 posted above Stitch, its about the size of A4 folded vertically. NHS letters quite large on the leaflet.
Thank you very much Suzy. I recall the discussions about it in the news a while ago but I'd no idea that it was going ahead.
I shall be opting out. I think it's a bloody cheek. Anyway, there will be millions who either wont notice the flyer or wont bother to opt out so they wont need my info as well.
Was there a time scale? I must go back & read it again
Does anybody know if this applies to Scotland as well??
I think from reading the web page that this is not only an intrusion of confidentiality but could be very damaging if anybody can pay for your details, like employers, insurance gosh anything, and, may disadvantage individuals credibility.
Seems like there are to many people thinking up ways to make bucks at others expense.
If it Is rolled out in Scotland, I most certainly will opt-out.
It just says, "households in England will shortly receive" Tom here is Scotland's info on Health and Social Care Information:
Thanks for posting this Suzy, and giving the opt-out link.
I will be opting out as it is a further step in the privatisation of the NHS which has happened under the Health and Social Care Act. Tom has described it exactly above so I won't repeat. I don't think it applies to Scotland Tom - not entirely sure, but as you'll know, the H&SC Act only covers England (& Wales? - forgive my ignorance ).
As well as the "pseudonamised" personal details which have been widely discredited now, we are inexorably moving over to a US style health model, where our care would be funded through insurance companies, so of course our details will be sold off to these companies. This would be appalling for us as the insurance companies won't want to give us cover, or their policies would be prohibitively expensive. Imagine one day having to pay for oxygen . . .
I'll do anything i can to prevent this which includes opting out. Hopefully if enough people opt out it may become unworkable or they may rethink, though somehow i doubt it.
I haven't seen any leaflet, probably chucked out with junk-mail, but the nurse asked me quite casually if I would mind my details being shared with other organisations last time that I saw her. Would this be the same thing ?
Well I don't know where my head's been recently but I was blissfully unaware if this! Now that I know I shall opt out - thank you!
Wow, where have I been? I have not heard of this and will be speaking with Pete and our family about opting out as I don't want people knowing everything without my permission. Thanks for the info and link Suzy and will have a good read. xxxx
Thanks all for your replies. Is any of you can receive Radio LBC 97.3 tune in now phone in and discussion on this.
Hmmm .... it is a difficult one.
Half of me says opt out .... I don't want my data shared or possibly sold on for commercial reasons.
The other half says yes, data analysis & sharing between medical professionals has to be a good thing. We each have COPD or whatever, but our treatments & drugs are all different - some better than others etc. Why, because once a drug or treatment is approved & been on the market a while it's effectiveness (or otherwise) is not monitored.
& why is that? .... because our data is not shared so it takes a long time for GP's to find out something works better than something else that may be making patients worse.
Shoot me down if & tell me if I'm wrong, but common sense tells me that data needs to be shared to monitor the results of our treatments & to stop bad drugs being used & make sure the best drugs & treatments are quickly adopted as the norm. Personally I have nothing to hide & if sharing my treatment helps others, then I'm pleased to help
The following links may be useful
This link gives the full NHS info.
This link gives simple to follow options for opting out
Suzy6 I have and my wife have opted out because it is another nail in the national nealth the government have set up another body to take all our medical information at the moment a gp cannot give your medical recodrs to anyone other than a hospital or medical gp and only with your permission this leaflet is not asking you it is telling you that unless you reply it will be taken that any 3rd party can have the information sucg has privcate companies the police insurance companies etc etc withoutb us knowing so I have sent a letter to my gp saying he cannot give any info about me or my wife without my say so I WOULD ADVISE EVERYBODY TO OPT OUT this was not in the government manifesto and no vote in parliament either
Thank you everyone for your replies. Appreciated. I have discussed this with my family and we are all opting out. Various reasons. Some are. I think this is privatisation of the NHS quietly and with cunning. I have read somewhere with the details given like NI number part post code etc it would only take an expert two hours to identify me. I feel very uneasy at staying in. The friend who gave me the link is on Warfarine ,sorry spelling wrong, and informed me soon Boots will take over the monitoring of this and Spec Savers hearing test. Who will take over other aspects of our health care in the future. My Medical Records should not be for sale to anyone.
my husband and i are opting out xx
I have already opted out as we received our leaflets a couple of weeks ago - took my opt out letter by hand and my surgery was geared up and it was one lady's job to make sure the opt out codes were placed on your notes. They are dropping in the leaflets area by area and you have 4 weeks to opt out. Once the info has gone it's gone and on a continual basis. If you opt out, you can opt in at any time. If you decide to opt out please don't forget there are 2 codes which must be put on your opt out, also a separate opt out should be submitted for every member of your family.
love cx
We have opted out.