Yesterday morning I woke so giddy I thought I wouldn't make it to the loo never mind down the stairs. I did and then spent the next few hours being sick. Last night feeling a little better my undomesticated Husband cooked me some really light scrambled egg and this morning some warming porridge. Much appreciated.
Thank goodness for Husbands. - Lung Conditions C...
Thank goodness for Husbands.

You have got a good one there, hope you are feeling better today.
Ha Ha,someone's in the good books!
Well that's funny,only showed my first sentence! Haven't had that happen before!! Gremlins at work!
Anyway to repeat myself,I was saying we all need a bit of TLC at times,& I'm sure it's well deserved!
Do take care,hope you are feeling better by now,
Hugs, love Wendells xxx
I say blessings on my wife. 7 years ago I was diagnosed with COPD after a very bad attack of flu. Over the years my breathing has got worse such that I have been given a "Blue Badge".
As I can longer mow the lawns my wife does them without any complaint, as long as I can maintain it with new blades etc. It is the lightest one we could find - an electric rotary.
Fortunately I can still drive my car OK and my wife also has her own car - both Toyotas - which we have had for many years and hardly ever go wrong.
Brian and I work together. We have had big problems over the last year, better now at least for Brian, but now for the move south. This will be our last move, believe me!!
Sorry you are feeling so unwell it's amazing what these guys can do when pushed. Good for you appreciating it, sadly we don't appreciate people enough while they are still around.
Hope your feeling alittle better, you have a star there. I have a wonderful partner makes life alot easier.
Take care x
My husband is a gem too. Cooks all the meals and sorts things out generally. He is step dad to my daughter and I know she thinks he is great as she works and although she only lives across the street it would be hard for her if he wasn't here. I have IPF and he says it doesn't matter how hard it gets so long as I am still sitting here!!Sorry about the sickness Suzy. I have had meniers disease for years and that affects you like you describe. Is that what you have? Good luck, Popplewell
My husband is fantastic in doing everything. I couldn't manage without him. Love him to bits.
Amen to that.
My husband is fantastic, even after having a heart attack in August and a triple by pass in October so I had to help him which was a laugh. He does everything I couldn't manage without him.
Kim xxxx
Oh gosh - hope you are feeling better. TAD xx
My old man works all over the world his job takes him away from home for months on end but I have to say he is very good when he is home. If he were a animal he would be a cat un- trainable and he is no chef or domestic god but I wouldn't be without him we all need someone.
Hi Suzy6. It could be your ears are of balance or Meniers. If it is possible you can get tablets from the Dr. I have been into a chemist a couple of times and they have told me to see the Dr. The thing is it could in the worst scenario be a stroke. So get yourself down there or if you are too bad call them out. X
My husband is fantastic too. I have IPF HP and PH just can,t spell them all. In the last 12 months I have had to have oxygen 24/7, but my husband has been a source of strength and encouragement. Keep trying to stay as fit as I can and eat healthely.keep mentally strong thankyou
That brings back memories of my late husband, if I ever got poorly he used to go into a panic mode (not that I was ever poorly twice in twenty years) but bless him he always coped even though the children and myself got egg and chips for a few days but I would suffer egg and chips for the rest of my life if I could have him back.
I like cooking for my wife. She grew fatter as well! Now that she is in hospital, she's lost considerable weight. Her illness is long term.
I still like to cook, but I wish I could cook for my wife! She will be there for a while trying to cope with hearing really scary voices.
Despite all this, when I was ill in October, November December 2010 and January 2011, my wife asked the nurse to take her to see me. They were lovely very short visits, but it boosted me wonderfully and touched my heart deeply.
I have end-stage emphysema ..... the poor wife does absolutely everything. Difficult when you have a farm, but she say's she loves it. Who am I to argue.
Bless her ..........
I too am blessed. My Hubby has to do everything. I have IPF and RA, and have been very unwell for the last 3 months. Arthritis in the spine just put the lid on it. Anyway he cooks, washes, irons changes the beds, cleans and anything that needs done. He is 70 now, but apart from Type 2 Diabetes he keeps very well. I have not even been able to drive lately and he drives me to appointments and waits for me. I really don't know what I would do without him. You get well soon Suzy6 and I hope you get it checked out. Cheryl