waste of money: scientists say vits a... - Lung Conditions C...

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waste of money

Ashtray profile image
81 Replies

scientists say vits a waste of money theguardian.com/lifeandstyl...

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Ashtray profile image
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81 Replies
scrobbitty profile image

Saw the article which was interesting but the whole point was that it referred to 'well nourished adults' who had a good diet. If your diet is poor, which many people with lung problems will attest to, then supplements are a good thing, in my opinion. :)

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply toscrobbitty

how will I know its not dangerous with ok food

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply toAshtray

If you are getting a well balanced diet with all the vitamins and minerals that would be in the supplements, you shouldn't need it. It might be a good idea to have a chat with your GP about it or even talk to the BLF nurses who give excellent advice :)

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply toscrobbitty

before wasting money and risking danger

scrobbitty profile image
scrobbitty in reply toAshtray

Ashtray, there is an interesting bit about overdosing in this link below, but again if you have worries, speak to a professional who should be able to talk through what is and isn't good for you. :)


Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply toscrobbitty

a professional is good because there is a lot o mystery around what is ok

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply toscrobbitty

My GP just says that there are inconclusive pieces of evidence and not enough research. I take some vit D as an extra pill, but I do rely too on eating cornflakes which has this included and whole milk. There too, only yesterday somebody pointed out that milk makes mucus.

I certainly will not rely on an article in the paper either, It's only a journalist's view!

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply tohelingmic

inconclusive and miracle are among the words I see looking into this kinda like religion you believe what you want and leave elbow room for the rest if they are not hurting anyone with what goes on

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply toAshtray

Well put ashtray thats exactly as I see it too.Just took me longer to say the same derrrr. Janexx

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply tolonglungs

I would like some of the claims to be true but I want results not hope

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply toAshtray

I would to but there is not any approved studies as far as some of the claimants make on a lot of vitamins and supplements.If my blood tests come back that Iam lacking in some way my doc will tell me and advise accordingly,I like to research and read about new and upcoming treatments which give hope for the future ,I personally need to read the right results of approved trials and accepted and passed results that prove yes or no first.Thats me though. Janexx

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply tolonglungs

not an unreasonable attitude longlungs wanting the most from the health/wealth we have left - prove it should cause no offense for the genuine article

knitter profile image

All I know that if I stop taking my vit b complex for just a week, the cracks in the corner of my mouth come back.....maybe because I don't like red meat.

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply toknitter

think I need this from a professional knitter thanks for the tip stress is not me already eating meat in a pretty balanced diet

peege profile image

God, I know I will be giving myself the best quality of life by supplementing my very healthy diet with extra Vits plus other bits & bobs.

If you are very well & don't have health issues then fine, as Scrobbity says, perhaps you are getting what you need from a balanced diet with no processed food, junk foods & drink.

Fact: people in the UK don't get enough Vit D via sunshine especially now people go out covered in sun screen.

You'd have to have an awful lot of vitamins to overdose to dangerous levels.

Like Stitch says, research it, then you will be able to make up your own mind as have I.

For instance, I learnt from Daz the other day to leave off multivitamin when taking antibiotics so I am.

Try writing vitamins in the BLF search box for starters. P

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply topeege

much of this is taken with no proof that any good will come of it should the same rules that apply to pharma be put on this industry

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply toAshtray

Ashtray. although research is lacking, my chemist sells tons of it! But he will only recommend any with the tip of his tongue! Thriving chemist, he did say he only buys from renown companies.

in reply topeege

I got the vits thank you,also veg and fruit plenty of it from aldi,xxx now I,m making a chicken and dumpling with loads of veg in ,nothing ventured nothing gained,xxx

peege profile image
peege in reply to

oh yummy. That's the way, especially in the winter to give you the best chance. Which vits did you get?

I have to take Adcal + D3, get it on prescription. I'm just about to start zinc + Vit c but only through winter.

Kath xx

peege profile image
peege in reply to

That's good, will give your immune system a boost. I sometimes take 3 of those throughout the day if I'm coming down with something. Personally speaking I believe that's worked for me over last few months. Got a flaming bug now though :(. Hope you're well Poems

in reply topeege

which 3 do you take ?xxx

peege profile image
peege in reply to

Ah good, you're showing up now :)

I'm a bit poor so buy 3 for 2 tubes from Tesco , effervescent , the 'with zinc' one.

I have a tube of good quality Beroca for when I really need a boost as they have other Vits added.

I believe it's nigh on impossible tp overdose on Vit c. The body can't store it, that's why I take it 3 times a day morning noon & night.

Not obsessed butI take loads of other bit n bobs, desperate to improve & not sink to how I was for over 4 years. (Not to mention arthritis, osteopenia, hereditary high cholesterol & a dodgey stomach)!

Used to be so fit and well xx

Vitamins are only any good if there is somthing wrong with you .. Hospitals inject lung suffers with b12 why becouse the shit

A dont think so .. When you ill is ok to take vitamins .. Most lung suffer have choice of chewing food small portions properly .. Or breathing

B12 helps me and vitaminc C well think the doing more than my doctors

Did you know your body uses 25% of your bodys oxygen befour you even move

Thus how much oxygen do you think you use when eating ?

In my case Food = Nap

in reply to

is the vit c good for c,o,p,d,? and how many do we take daily and which vit c ?xxx

peege profile image
peege in reply to

It's very good Twiceshy ( based on my opinion and what I've read over the years). Along with Vit D3 it's one of the cheapest most useful Vits going. Good for you immune systems to aid fighting infections xx

in reply to

You can get "one a day" vit C twiceshy. Other brands which don't say one a day on the carton, will tell you how many you need to take. Along with plenty of fruit - oranges, apples, other fruits and veg that contain vit C, taking them should be good for you. xx

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply to

hospitals inject lung suffers with b12 why becouse the shit - well I have had no b12 injection for my lungs and no one I know has so hows that happened

libby7827 profile image

Have been saying this for years, on here too, but usually get contradicted! It's just a licence to print money for the manufacturers/retailers. Unless tests show you have a deficiency of a certain vitamin/mineral etc, then there is absolutely no need to waste your money. If you are malnourished then your doctor will prescribe nutritional drinks which contain everything you need. Not to meniton that too much of certain supplements can be downright dangerous! x

peege profile image
peege in reply tolibby7827

Have to agree to disagree then Libby :)

I do agree there's a huge marketing game going on, like fags, booze, cleaning products, slimming products, greetings cards, blooming Halloween - what a waste of money!

I'm poor so choose carefully & read up 1st. I don't smoke, don't drink, hardly have a social life so I prefer to err on the side of caution.

From taking a few things, doing PR learning the breathing I was infection free for 7 whole months! A first in a very long time.

If you do your research though, steer clear of the hype you can make your own choices and decisions. XxxX

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply tolibby7827

I have to agree 100% with you Libby. I also believe in the power of our brains and believe that people who think that its working will feel better !so that has to be good for them,I do believe if you made sugar pills that look the same those people would continue to feel good.Thats my opinion only I have better things to spend the few pennies i have on extra fuel haha you get my drift,Each to their own at the end of the day as long as we all feel happy and as healthy as we can be, is whats important.Please dont throw things at me :o Janexx

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply tolibby7827

was beginning to think it was only me libby7827

Adcal is a calcium replacement, with D3 it is used to treat osteopenia and/or Osteoporosis, so sorry, no it's no good for C.O.P.D.

katieoxo60 profile image

This article is interesting, nothing new in the findings. If you can afford a balanced diet and don't fad eat you should get all the vitamins you need in the diet. Unless you have some illnesses that alter your ability to eat properly.

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply tokatieoxo60

that would leave the vitamin sales down if that gets around so maybe whisper that katieoxo60

Ashtray profile image

Health claims about vitamin D examined nhs.uk/news/2013/06June/Pag... from the NHS

silversurfer profile image

Don't forget one of the most important vitamins, vitamin D and you can get it free by spending just 10 minutes a day in the fresh air. If you cannot get outside wrapped up warm next to an open window is almost as good. Bethan x

Offcut profile image

Wow this got a response. I agree that well nourished people probably do not need vits but with what I get a week and what is spent on food I do not get a well balanced diet but what fits my meagre budget. I was told to try manuka honey but that was half my food allowance so no longer on my list.

Hi stitch yep that is why i take them is attaché to Co2 then the expeled from my body

So must help if your a Co2 retainer ... and as water soluble b12 quite harmless

pandaz profile image
pandaz in reply to

confirm vitamins remove Co2

in reply topandaz

Confirm it doesn't?

in reply to

Agreed BC nice to see ya back .. A sad B12 but ye agree there is a search box at top of page

pandaz profile image
pandaz in reply to

not confirming then ?

in reply topandaz

Not me who needs to know ..

pandaz profile image
pandaz in reply to

Not true then

in reply topandaz

Ye sure what ever

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply to

I am sorry that no credible evidence is here for serious consideration when so much space is taken with the discussion

in reply toAshtray

A dont need to prove any thing .. And dont you think if it was un true YES would of made point of teling me and av thay NO search box is at top of page

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply to

If you wish to prove a point then evidence not a search box please

coors profile image
coors in reply to

From the search box healthunlocked.com/blf/ques...

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply tocoors

lot of money spent on magic potions with one doctor saying waste of money history repeating itself

No it has to be 10 mins standing on one leg with rainbow coloured shorts and a polka dot sleeveless vest :D ;) x

pandaz profile image
pandaz in reply to

keep taking the tablets

in reply topandaz

stalking again are we?

pandaz profile image
pandaz in reply to

restricted again ?

in reply topandaz

Would that make you happy pandaz?

I note you are not really interested in the subject posted but you are interested in attempting to needle people. .....

have a nice life...

Things are what they are, the newspaper and magazine, the multivit industry and the drug industry, the food banks, the supermarkets to a corner shop, branded merchandise and labelled products, renewable fuel and non renewable fuel,

Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, fruit and vegetables, cakes and sticky buns, some folk are guided by their own medical professionals and others not.

I am glad we are living in an age where we can decide for ourselves what the truth is or what is prefabricated, what we discard and what we recycle, our choice to decide what we find useful to us and disregard what we do not.

Personal choice in deciding when someone speaks truth or when the truth is twisted, a selection of choices, where one may say a bee is bad it can hurt you with its sting, and another will say the bee is good it makes nutritious healing honey, some will say the honey is bad it is high in sugar another will say honey is good it contains natural sugars and is high in vitamins and minerals etc etc etc.

So truth can be found in contraditions, both are exactly as is, our choice is what we choose for ourselves regardless what anyone else thinks.

Personally I don't believe everything I hear or read even when it comes from a scientist, scientist have a track record of getting things wrong but hey they can get it right some of the time ;)

in reply to

Like the article says......

" Research suggests diet supplements taken by One in Three Britons have no clear health benefits and might even be harmful "

Looking on the other side of that 2 thirds of Britons do gain health benefits.

A classic example.

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply to

Personal choice of when the truth is twisted would be the classic example that some worthwhile clear health benefits are gained for the 2 thirds without of evidence of such.

stilltruckin profile image


[Quote] Older men had a small but significantly lower risk of cancer when they took a multivitamin on a daily basis, a new analysis of a large cohort study showed.

Overall, men who took a daily multivitamin supplement had an 8% lower risk of cancer than men who were randomized to receive a placebo. Additionally, cancer mortality was 12% lower in the multivitamin arm, although the difference did not achieve statistical significance.

Men with a history of cancer appeared to derive even more benefit from the multivitamin, as they had a 27% lower cancer rate compared with placebo-treated men with a history of cancer. . . . [/quote]

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply tostilltruckin

the difference between placebo did not achieve statistical significance a red flag on early stage research

CornishBrian profile image

More importantly and something that never gets mentioned, is how and when you lake vits either in your food or as supplement.

Vitamin C is destroyed by cafeine and so you shouldn't drink tea or coffee half and hour either side of your intake PLUS your body can only absorb iron when it's also absorbing vit C....double whammy. If you look at the breafast ceral adverts, especially those that are claiming rich in iron, you will nor see a steaming cup of tea or coffee but you will always see a glass or jug of fruit juice. They are telling you but not in words....bit of a cop out if you ask me. I only found this out when I was working in a homeless hostel and we had one very poorly lad come to stay with us.

Lakeland profile image
Lakeland in reply toCornishBrian

1 in 4 are obese so fat holds the vitamins a rubbish diet is not put right with multi-vitamins taken with lager/wine

pizza/chips a smoke for afters. More than what we re eating is keeping regular activity not leaving the healthy pills of vitamin rich goodness to cover up a couch potato lifestyle.

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply toLakeland

get what you need from a healthy well balanced diet with some fresh air and exercise pulmonary rehabilitation advice in a nutshell - need anything more talk with a professional

Lakeland profile image
Lakeland in reply toAshtray

More people want things without working for them take the car not walk stay fit eat rubbish stay healthy medicine will cure all the adverts show it.

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply toLakeland

trying for better health only ripped off on the way

I looked at your posts,thank you,i have bought b12,100jug,vitc,1,4oomg,vit d3,10jug, anything is better than the toxins I put in me with fags,1 vitc day,2 b12 every 4days.d3 I,m not sure how many daily to take?says support bones and immune system,any advice on how many ,I will take them at my own risk ,xxx

in reply to

Hi i only take b12 and C now b12 every other day in blocks of 3 weeks and C would be same .. Vitamin C helps with inflamation fibroblast and dispite what our residant rocket sciantist think B12 is as i stated and good at fighting cancer .. I have always asked told my gp and he was ok

in reply to

How to Choose a Multivitamin health.usnews.com/health-ne...

in reply to

I rang my doctor,he said vit c ,I daily as its winter,also b12 ,I can take 2 a week for 6 week,then stop,then start again after hes cheked me,ive looked up another member for d3,i will wait on the reply, thanks again,also veg and fruit,xxx,any more helpful advice is appreciated,

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply to

No substitute for real food

coors profile image

Will vitamins stop flu simple answer is no keep on top of hygiene and get a flu shot foxnews.com/health/2013/01/... flu is bad news with lungs busted keep on top

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply tocoors

mega dose > the emperors new clothes are bigger an better than ever so who would ve seen that hygiene gives proven results when vitamins are only a popular rumor

stilltruckin profile image


[Quote] An editorial published in the Annals of Internal Medicine late Monday US time suggesting that there are no benefits to taking multivitamins and mineral (MVM) supplements flies in the face of research which repeatedly demonstrates that the typical consumer diet falls short on critical nutrients. . . . [/quote]

Lakeland profile image
Lakeland in reply tostilltruckin

Not saying the critical nutrients would stop obese numbers going up are they same speed as diabetes because of lifestyle Eat a poor diet sit around the vitamins will stop all the illness that lifestyle choices cause heart attacks (MI) not counted the research not sure about them

Change for a better lifestyle has better results than bad lifestyle with vitamins filling the cracks a waste of money when more illness is lifestyle than critical nutrients.

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply tostilltruckin

$23 billion industry selling vitamins into a market where health insurance saves the rich

tbo66 profile image

"The message is simple: Most supplements do not prevent chronic disease or death, their use is not justified and they should be avoided,"


Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply totbo66

expensive urine reported independent.co.uk/life-styl...

A body rejects elements that are toxic through urine a re cycling loop should keep only potable water. NASA tech on the ISS recycle 98% a long trip to a hospital from out there

universetoday.com/101775/an... like cranberry juice but you would not get me recycling vitamins without some filtering.

Ashtray profile image
Ashtray in reply to

simple idea of not putting extra vitamins the body does not absorb takes away the rocket science

Ashtray profile image

until now I considered my re-cycling would save the planet DestinyCalling saving waste when flushing the toilet didn t include that water

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