Hi All, Even before all my breathing tests and my exercise's begin this morning I am so confident I will not be put on the Transplant List on the 20th January the effort I will make to get there will show them my determination, I am so ill between my RA and a trapped nerve in my hip area this is the first time iv'e been out of bed since Monday the pain level between the two was bad to say the least no easy cure for T/N just step up my Amatritaline was the best effort. Here Goes Matt
The Full Monty of Breathing Tests Tod... - Lung Conditions C...
The Full Monty of Breathing Tests Today. Mattcass

Good luck for today, I think you are very brave doing this with all the pain you are in, hope all goes well for you.
polly xx
Good luck to you matt and wishing you all the very best. Pete is dealing with an "irritated" nerve in his back which causes pain in his buttock and lower leg also, little shocks in his feet and up and down the back. Had an injection to no effect. Waiting for the next appointment on 9th January 2014. My heart goes out to you having to deal with terrible pain. Thinking of you. xxxxxxxx
Good luck !
Good luck Mattcass. xx
Thinking of you Mattcass,you are so brave,good luck,& remember to tell us how you got on, xxx
The very best of luck Matt xxxxx
Gud luck x
Best of luck Matt, hope it went as you hoped, well done for just getting out of bed in that much pain,
Karen xxx
Good Luck Matt Julie xx
Hope all went well and the pain was nor made any worse. Take the rest of the day off - you deserve it. - Dozy x
All the best, Matt, you certainly are a fighter and wont give in. Wish you the best Christmas, under the circs. and a much, much better New Year x
Good luck Matt. You are one brave and determined person.
Hope all went well for you today Mattcass, every best wish
I hope it went well for you today, I can only but admire your determination x
Go get em Matt. Don't let the B@&%$Β£$%$ grind you down
All the very best Matt, be thinking about you.X
Best of luck I can't imagine what your going through as I'm only level 4 COPD but I do know what you mean when you go on about pain