Hello i,m new to this forum, I have c... - Lung Conditions C...
Hello i,m new to this forum, I have copd .Today coughed up a tiny amount of phlegm but it was really hard any ideas?

Hello and welcome.
It can be hard to cough phlegm, the physio's teach you to huff rather than cough I'm sure you can find a video showing you if you google, but also plenty of water helps. Have you been prescribed carbocisteine or something similar to help you.
Good luck
Kim xxxx
Sorry i meant the phlegm was hard
Hi Dantherman, better out than in. Best to drink as much as possible, helps to moisten and loosen it. We don't it staying inside to grow more bacteria.
Take care, peeg
I have COPD I did smoke for 4 years 56 years ago.But I was a petrol tanker driver for 38 years I wonder if the fumes could have caused the COPD? Any ideas or has any other person who worked with Petroleum ect. PS I am new to the Forum Bill 76
my friend was a petrol tanker driving for over 20 years and he is also suffering with COPD but has never been a heavy smoker, so its seems as if there is a connection to petrol fumes and COPD. Would have thought this would have been looked into before now !!
I clicked ( Reply to this) Was that the way to send my question bill 76
epa.govt.nz/hazardous-subst... tells you of the hazards of petrol fumes
I sometimes bring up rubber balls and other times it is like slime. I do agree plenty of water will help. Also look at the colour the the lighter the better most of the time and I know it is not nice but much better out. The huffing technique works for me a lot of the times too
Be well
On preisolone again
I'm in the US, and was given a tip by a nurse when I went to the emergency room for pnuemonia. He gave me a liquid that contained Guaifensin and had me drink a big glass of water. He said drinking the water after dosing was key. I hawked up a ton of phlem that was not nearly as thick as before, and it didn't hurt as much to cough. This used to be a prescription drug, but is now over the counter, and can be used every 4 hours. I don't have a brand name because I bought the pharmacy's private lable version, but it's cheap, effective, and doesn't creat drowsyness. Also, you don't need to have pnuemonia to take it - it's designed to break up chest congestion from the flu, a cold, etc.