My youngest David trod on a very rusty old nail 10 days ago now.He said that it was ok,,so had a shower and went off out.He came back the following evening well his foot had doubled in size and was red from the toes and then up his foot a couple of inches.It was infected I said we needed to go to A&E or EMDOC and get him antibiotics!"stop worrying it'll be fine mum" so I told him I wanted to mark where the red had got to and if it had gone past the line it was off up to the hospital the next day he accepted that he was now in a lot of pain and couldnt put his foot to the ground.Well I was woken hearing sobs from David calling me,my heart broke in that moment was such a sad painful whale.I got downstairs as quick as I could, looked at his foot,oh my the infection was now up to his ankle!I dont know about any of you but my lungs are slow to trot and need warming up so to speak so it took nearly three hours for us both to get sorted and get in the taxi to A&E.The pain was now driving him bonkers,brrr it was bloody chilly to!So armed with drinks and cough sweets for me David hopped into the reception even hopping he was still ten times faster than me! As luck would have it a lady wheeling somebody out said she would come back and give us their chair as they were in short supply (can you believe people actually steal them???) "thank-you so much" made up that David could be wheeled instead of hopping,I then realised how stupid i was not to have put my wheel chair in,cripes Ihadnt given my lack of mobility a second thought.Fortunately the first person to see was in reception easy peasey,shetold him expect to stay your going to need iv antibiotics for that,then told us to go and sit and wait to be called.David said he needed a cigie,so I started to wheel him out there was a slight incline puffed there was a chair not far with the change of temperature from tropical to very chilly I was draped over talk about the blind leading the blind! I looked longingly at the bench parked myself David asking for a light had forgotten his he had just lit it and a nurse came out calling him saying if you want to be seen you best come in!!Oooer that was lively most unusual for A&E,well not far to go a door on the left as you go in is where we needed to be,this nurse took all the details and his obsv.and told us we would have time for that ciggie now and she would bring him some pain relief.Ahh that was nice of her,our first thought was "shes a bit .....maybe a little kurt but she turned out to be a really lovely lady David managed to get another light he finished his cig and we made our way back in down hill much easier ,but as I walked in the temperature change hit me hard phew this was not good I could feel the panic rear its ugly head !no not now please no,then Davids name was called and there stood a young attractive doctor beckoning us,omg I stood and started to push but needing to collapse she pushed open the swing doors revealing a 20 mile long corridor I managed about 3 steps and stopped the doc turned as I I said to David Im going to sit here a minute i will follow on in a few minutes,The doc could see I was struggling and said she would drop David and then come back for me how kind was that and her a doctor aswell!
I was in a right old pickle needed my puffer and cough sweets they were on the back of Davids chair!Belt up Jane pull yourself together what ever next,I started to rip my layers of clothing off as a tropical moment over whelmed me,damn menopause! Then standing before me was the lovely lady
doctor bless her heart I couldnt stop thanking her I felt so guilty.After examining David she also said I think your have to stay in for iv antibiotics David exclaimed how he really didnt want that and really hoped he could take meds home? The lovely doc said she wanted to run this by her lead doc and off she went.David exclaimed about her "mum she is such a cutie pie"haha oh to be young again eh!Well within about ten mins the other doc and lovely doc arrived back it was decided david could go home but must take meds as instructed as it was a nasty infection,then asked if he was allergic to penicillin as far as I know he isnt!So David had first dose of meds more pain relief,a tetanus and a set of crutches We thanked the very lovely doc for all her help and said goodbye as we got to the nurses station one of them stood up and told us she was getting a porter and chair to wheel me to the reception.OH WOW never have I had such thought ,care and kindness to a non patient before absolutely brilliant!! All of that took just 2 hours so impressed.Thats the way to do it. Janexx
Waking up monday morning I thought David was dying!! will tell tomorrow my gertie was a star she became Davids ambulance !!!