Hi all, diagnosed with CREST syndrome 3 years ago, then this year had a TIA in March, then this September diagnosed with Giant Cell Arteritis and now with PF, not sure which way to go, has anybody got any ideas how I can try and stay up beat please.
Feeling down: Hi all, diagnosed with... - Lung Conditions C...
Feeling down

Hi Jasmin. I am sorry to hear you have multiple problems. Probably someone will come along to help you. You could always ring the BLF. They maybe could help.
Hi so sorry to read about uour problems .. Is quite natural to feel bit or a lot deflated.
A dont know really how i cope with my illness .... Must be all my complaints i have going on i.e keeping me busy
But yep seriously do a lot of reading and few naps
I have descoverd if i try and do stuff makes me tired so can sleep ok in a fasion.
But yep if am feeling anti social i have nap and wake up in better mod

Thank you.
Hi Jasmin, sorry you are feeling so down. Lots of us have multiple problems so you are not alone. We all have days when we feel scared and lonely. Those are the days when we really need each other. We laugh together and support each other. Very often it is difficult to talk to closest friends and family because it upsets them but here you are among friends. Because you are amongst friends you can vent if you need to and be sad if that is how you are feeling. I think we need to keep as active as possible and chat to our BLF friends on here. I don't know anything about your ailments in particular but i wish you well and hope out feel more positive soon.
Hi Jasmin, sorry to hear that you are feeling down. Talk to friends and family about your conditions share with them your feeling I think you sure can find comfort after sharing.
Hi Jasmin, tune in to here as often as you can. It will help the feelings of isolation and depression and I agree talk to family and friends. I always put on music I love and have a good singalong or a good swearing session.
Hi Jasmin, I was sorry to hear about your multiple illnesses. As Appyalison said lots of us have multiple problems so you are not alone. I find exercise (no matter how limited I am by my breathing) and listening to music helps. Have you spoken to your GP about your feelings. He/she may be able to prescribe a course of counselling or a short course of anti-depressants. I hope you feel more positive soon. Kind Regards Mandy
Hi Jasmin1 I'm sorry to hear about your problems it makes me wonder how half of us get out of bed in a morning. What I do if I'm feeling low is have a pjs day and spoil myself with nice food and then I come on this site and realise I'm not alone hope you feel better soon. x
Hi Stitch, the doctor is going to refer me to a counsellor, also going to ring blf tomorrow, thank you.
To all that have replied thank you all so much, I really appreciate your kindness x
Hi Jasmin, I'm so sorry you have to deal with all this and sincerely hope you have a good support network of friends and family to give you a hug, hold your hand from time to time. If not, come on here and get some talc. Many very kind people on BLF.
When you ring you will have access to BLF counsellors who really understand.
It's the cost of a local call and they will ring you back if no one is available immediately.
All the best to you, peeg