Utter failure. Six days not smoking.... - Lung Conditions C...

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Utter failure. Six days not smoking. Something flipped in my mind today on my way to work.

32 Replies

I sometimes even astonish myself with the self destruct button. Can you believe this, I actually got off two stops early on the tube, on the way to work, specifically to buy a pack of cigarettes from my 'usual' newsagent (what a misnomer). Six days, and now. Smoking again. Why is this so hard? Most things in my life I can control, but smoking... Help, please. Need to squash this sooner rather than later. I even tried NRT this time which seemed to be working so well but it seems to be this mind flip I do with smoking. Would so welcome advice from any of you. What is it with this mind flip or is it just me? Plan A: Stop, AGAIN, tomorrow.

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32 Replies
Mavary profile image

Hi. I am an ex smoker and like you I thought if I had one I could control it but one keeps the addiction going. I used to go to my sister and have one of hers so I wouldn't smoke a whole packet but I kept going and at the end of the week I would buy her a packet. Do you see a pattern. In the end I thought this stupid and I really made my mind up. Yes it was hard. Very hard but giving way to just one only prolongs it. I hope this helps.

Thanks for that. Yes, I do see a pattern but, some mind thing just clicks into action with me. I do see, though, that there's no control on it. However, shall try again. tomorrow, yet again.

in reply to

Just dont be to hard on ya self if u stoped once be able to do it again

I understand Smartt been there done that. You are not a failure. You just didn't succeed this time. You might not the next time but you will in the end. Try again tomorrow and you will get there. Good luck with it.

bev x

nannyb profile image

Hi Smartt, You did better than me, I didn't last the day. I think we just have to keep trying, and hopefully eventually we will quit. all the best Nannyb xx

woodshaper profile image

Hi smartt

Know exactly how you feel, I relapsed/caved in 6 times.

Don't give up trying to quit and you'll get there!


Suzy6 profile image

Keep trying smartt, been there too. Many many times.

laines profile image

Don't beat yourself up you're not a failure. Nearly everyone who quits smoking has tried many times before. The important thing is that you pick yourself up dust yourself off and start over again. Pick a new quit date have another go x

Toci profile image

So, we begin the process again. You WILL do it. Once you believe that you are nearly there. x

Hondabike3 profile image

there is a saying smokers never quit we are merely between cigarettes and our next smoke, well its been 14 years since I smoked last and every day I still say to myself no I cant have just one fag I admit its very easy to say it now but my point is the temptation is always there.How did I manage to eventually quit ? answer for me was a professional addiction specialist hypnotherapist. Not a solution for everyone but worked for me. She taught me self hypnosis and each time I wanted a ciggy I used this method until I no longer needed to but the self hypnosis still helps with all manner of things

best £80 I have ever spent

good luck my friend from one who realises how difficult quitting is


If it were easy to give up smoking everyone would! It is an addiction which it difficult to break. Don't be hard on yourself, this was just a hiccup. You can do it, I did it and if you met me you would think that impossible BUT it took a few attempts and a lot of "hiccups". Take care, TAD xx

Greg_James profile image

Hello Smartt,

This might seem a bit strange, but anyway, whatever works I suppose.

For me, I was a 30 year smoker of 30 or so a day. I tried to cut them down this last six months or so because I was diagnosed with emphysema, and was largely successful, to the stage that I was down to about 6-8 or so a day. But I didn't seem to be able to move beyond that, no matter how many threats and promises I made to myself.

I knew I just needed a sort of "click' in the brain, or something like that.

I went to a hynotherapist. That was 7 weeks ago. I've been able now to be free of the fags for that time. I don't put it down to any particular magical powers of the hypno - just a sort of want in me together with the ability of the hypno to do a couple of small mind adjustments.

You could at least try it I suppose.


Greg from OZ

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to Greg_James

Well done! x

helingmic profile image
helingmic in reply to Greg_James

Hi Greg James and Smartt. I think this is it, it's a mind set. If a hypnotherapist can change this, well and good. I hear the Cognitive Behaviour therapy (CBT) can alter the mind set too

I hear tha acupuncture can help. As Blakey said, a good NO, in front of the mirror and affirmation of the sort like I am getting better everyday and keep myself free from cravings. all these help.

As so many others said too, a mistake is simply a mis-take.

A biblical example is Christ who forgave loads of people, telling them not to do it any more. I think he meant, OK we fall. but let's concentrate not on the falling that hurt, but on the healing and the getting on.

Of course, you'll get there! the hardest the battle, the sweeter the victory: you are a great guy for trying. Keep giving up, keep healthy!

delilah profile image

Allen Carr's book 'Easy way to stop smoking' worked for me.

It doesn't nag, make you feel guilty or pile on the pressure it just slowly works on your mindset and prepares you for the task in hand.

It isn't a magic pill, a certain amount of willpower is still needed but if you take in what he's telling you, your own mind will help instead of hindering you.

rick1 profile image

Never stop trying to stop smoking, I was a very heavy smoker indeed and managed to stop after four attempts using nicotine patches, you have to try and stop when everything seems to be going right for you, so the very best of luck, it will be the best thing you can do.

When that little voice in your head says do this, I want a cigarette.

Say NO to it.

Say NO I am not doing that today.

Say I AM staying smoke free.

Dumba profile image

What if you have stopped, but meet someone nice who does? Guess best not to see them, smelt the smoke right away, !!

mattcass profile image

Hi smartt, It's great knowing that you want to stop for your health sake there's not a better reason. tomorrow no cigarettes in the pocket and don't get off the train early and you are better off than the day before, Go for it, Matt

onamission profile image

Don't beat yourself up over it just a little blip and tomorrow is day you can do it

longlungs profile image

Hi Smartt you will get there I promise you.I was a slow learner when it came to my smoking habit,Shoulda,coulda,woulda,truth was I didnt really want to if I was honest,New I should coz my health was going down hill fast had got used to not going out etc etc,Then i started with panic attacks coz iwas so breathless couldnt get to the sink,toilet,front door the panic attacks were the kick up my .... that I needed,suddenly realised i didnt wanna to die sooner rather than later.I then happened on this site as i started taking champix which sadly made me suicidal,by this time ihad so much support from the great people here ,I put apost up asking if anyone would mind me blogging asking for their help if i had those moments like you did by getting off the bus etc.Again the support was overwhelming.So went back to my smokey nurse and started wearing patches and swinging an inhalator round my mouth with a supply of all things that people had suggested might help eg. ice cubes ,fruit, vegies ,jelly babies so i could rip their tasty little heads off in moments of grrr.lol.and set my new stop date! Being on here made me feel empowered and strong and I really didnt want to let the good folk here down.Well it will be 8 weeks this sunday nobody I know can believe it such was my addiction (if I coulda smoked while I slept I would have!!) Ive had ups and downs some really mad funky dreams with the patches and have shared all on here ,I gain strength daily,my family swings from drama to drama so there is always a reason to excuse myself to start again,but I havnt it is never to late to stop but it has to be what you really really want lol(spice girls song) this time for me i felt a little different from all other attempts,For me this site has made the difference.So Smartt when the time is right share with us here people here will be delighted to help and support or just chat.One of my danger zones was the evening so I would save all my post from here and reply during the evening to pass the time which helped me pass the evenings.Sorry to have gone on a bit,you will defo succeed at some point and hopefully this will happen soon.Very nice to meet you Smartt :) Janexx

Thanks, all of you - all your comments have been so positive and helpful. Part of me would like to reply to all of you individually but I think I'd still be sitting at my laptop tomorrow morning. Stubbed out last cigarette about an hour ago which, I hope, will really be the last. My partner's taking me out to an old English pub this evening with roaring fires and candles which seems to be a good place to start!

You're really are a great bunch - I'm just so glad I stumbled across this site a few months ago. My thanks to all of you once again. Fingers crossed, eh! Smartt.

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to

Yes, fingers crossed - can't hold the little blighters then! Good luck. x

jools profile image

Hi Smartt - been there myself many, many, many times,didn't want to stop, enjoyed smoking, didn't want to put on any more weight etc. etc. I even managed to convince myself that if I was on my own and no-one could see me then those ciggies didn't count!!

I stopped on the 7th October ( yeaaaaa), I am luckier than Longlungs, I am using Champix and haven't had any negative side effects, it really has worked for me, also read the Alan Carr book ( he makes so much sense) and I have an elastic band on my wrist which I snap everytime I want a cigarette, by the time I've said ouch the moment has passed. Something has 'clicked' this time and I really believe I will be succesful.

I know how hard it is but please keep trying, eventually something will trigger the determination to finally give up the fags, Good Luck

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to jools

Well done. x

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to jools

Hi jools how brilliant is that great news :) I feel the same as you something has clicked this time..Whoohoo Smartt me and you are all doing it !Happy days.:) Janexx

KingoftheCocktails profile image

Enjoy your night out


Your daily tonic

in reply to KingoftheCocktails

Arrived home, maybe 30 mins. ago; not sure. I'm itching for a cigarette so thought I'd check you guys out. Yes, a good night and, no, I'm not heading off outside to have a cigarette. Restraint.

You're such an amazing bunch (BTW written after two large glasses of wine in the old English pub I mentioned I was going to this evening). However, slightly itchy at the moment but will combat this. Heading off to babysit my sister's ten year old son tomorrow evening, after work, so, excellently, 'child friendly' (i.e. not smoking) environment.

As I said earlier, thanks, all of you.


longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to

Good for you Smartt an hour at atime to start then aday at a time,brilliant news keep on going you really can do it.See you soon.:) Janexx

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to

Well done! One step at a time. xx

junespoon profile image

You may relapse, many times ,tomorrows another day start a fresh, all the best. X

undine profile image

You have my sympathy - I too have relapsed again recently - am on ecigs again and had been working well till the shop ran out of the flavours I like and well all excuses really - but as they say all we can do is try, try and try again - have ordered 15 bottles for when they finally get them in!

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