The nations no 1 Elvis song Always on my mind
This is about all, my Health Unlockder friends...............Always on my mind
The nations no 1 Elvis song Always on my mind
This is about all, my Health Unlockder friends...............Always on my mind
What a great programme that was kotc, very moving, I had a tear in the eye on more than one occasion.
Last year I saw Priscilla Presley playing the wicked Queen in Snow White at Wimbledon theatre.. She was really very good, very funny too night night
The feelings mutual, Love all Elvis songs, do you remember Momma like the roses? Used to love that one, all ways reminded me of my mother. nannyb xxx
Loved that program last night. Very emotional. Yes KOTC that was a lovely thing to say. M xx
The programme was good KOTC, brought back many memories. Lovely winning song, glad to see my favourite came in as runner up. Was thinking of you while watching it hope you enjoyed the show
Don't hear so much from you lately are you ok!
Glad to hear you are ok. I thought you had gone quiet.
We did not have that show here unfortunately! Do hope you are feeling ok King, take care xxx
Recovering from a bug, three weeks now,