Hi, I have severe COPD. I am having trouble sleeping on my right hand side, I find I can't breathe when I lay on my right hand side. Is this something to do with my COPD or is it just all in my mind and is to do with anxiety?
Sleeping on my right hand side - Lung Conditions C...
Sleeping on my right hand side

Hi I can't can't sleep on my right hand side so you aren't on your own. Have a good evening and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx
I also struggle lying on my right hand side. Left side ok. If breathing really bad lying on your tummy for a while takes the pressure off your lungs xx
Lying on my tummy helps for me too.
I was told to sleep on my left side to drain my lungs better ? No idea why but it is impossible to sleep on right now . Thought it was habit , so but wonder now as others who replied. are the same.
I can’t lay on my left side as breathing becomes very difficult, I have to sleep on my back in a semi sitting position, this is normal for some people with lung problems. There are several people at my hospice with lung problems who now have hospital beds as they have to sleep sitting up. If I do slip down on to my back I very soon wake up coughing and spluttering.
Hi my hubby has severe emphysema and can't breathe if he lies on his left hand side.
This is likely to be due to reflux.
The stomach is constructed with the entrance from the oesophagus not at the top but further down on the right hand side. This means if you sleep on your right hand side, acid can leak out due to gravity. If you sleep on the left, then that oesophatus/stomach junction is highest up and leakage is less likely.
I can't sleep on my right side either, I lay on my left and manage to get to sleep so you are not on your own and no I don't think it is in your mind.
Can't breathe properly if lying on left side. Right side is OK. No idea why though!
I prefer my left too, but am having ongoing bouts of vertigo which mean I can't sleep on the left because that sets of the vertigo Back issues means on my back isn't a go-er either....sigh!
A few years ago I suffered with vertigo and when I turned on to my left side in bed that really set it off. Eventually my hospital consultant performed the Epley Manoeuvre on me (4 years ago) and that helped immensely. Touch wood I have not had it return since, although I am aware that Vertigo can return at any time. Hope you can get some help with your Vertigo.