thank you all who gave me advice about dla tribunals i appealed cos i was denied middle rate care even my needs have changed the tribunal overturned this and awarded me high care rate back dated to july last year thanks again hope you are all well
dla tribunal: thank you all who gave me... - Lung Conditions C...
dla tribunal

Thats really good news you will be pleased
Well done to you, just shows you what they are like, we shouldnt have to fight, yet many of us on here have had to fight, very pleased fpr you. Joan x
Well done! It is always worth fighting for,although we shouldn't have to do so.
Thérèse xxx
This is appalling really. If someone should be getting the highest rate how can they be denied the middle rate? It proves that the people doing the assessing are getting it very, very wrong. Well done. xx
well done ,
I have put in for it twice and have been turned down twice. It makes me so angry when a couple not far from me both are claiming, even have a car and a blue badge, yet when out in their back garden no limps and no crutches. Sorry I shouldn't really say these things but it makes me angry that genuine people get turned down every day. Any way I'm so glad to hear of someone who deserves it, get it,so good luck to you. Hope it makes life a little easier for you. Xxx
i agree there, them that need dont get,them that have plenty and dont need,get,
It makes me angry too! That is why the benefit is calling out for reform, to make sure it goes to those who actually need it.
agree toci,xxx
I don't know anyone who has received DLA without a fight. I don't look particularly disabled yet receive high rate mobility and care for serious copd. The reforms that are being brought in now will result in over half the people who are currently on higher rate mobility being downgraded and they'll lose their eligibility to cars/scooters unless they can qualify under the new 'only able to walk between 1m and 20m' rule. I believe many of those will become housebound.
I agree 100%. I have very severe COPD and use oxygen but have still been questioned by people as to why I should have a Blue Badge simply because I do not always use a wheelchair. One of my bugbears is that the symbol for disability is a wheelchair, yet those who use a chair regularly may have more actual mobility then those who struggle to walk.
What a shame you have the idea that you have to limp or use crutches to be classed as disabled I unfortunately have Terminal cancer that doesn't require either but still entitles me to a blue badge also my husband who has severe lung and heart desease but doesn't require crutches or limping so I have to agree with timber and say please do not be to quick to judge others
what gives you that idea i do not do that i have grade 4 emphasepia
there are only 5 grades i do not judge others
Just wondering if you completed the applications yourself? I'd recommend having a chat with a Welfare Rights Advisor or similar person with experience of the DLA process/application forms who will fill the next one with you. I hope you have better luck next time! xxx
well done,enjoy yourself ,my blessings to you,but should not be like this,bernicexx

rather have my health back and job back xx
we all would my friend,take each day as it comes,may you have many many more,my blessings to you,bernicexxx

i love your laid back way wish i could be like you calming !
Poppymichael 7,good morning ,you raise an interesting point but it concerns me a great deal ,you refer to the people with a blue badge and presumably a motorbility car ,"but not a limp or crutch to be seen ".This government is determined to label claimants as shirkers and scroungers ,one of the worst sideeffects of this policy is the increase in "disability hate crime ".Many of us with COPD do not have limps or crutches and many of us are not wheelchair users which makes us even more of a target for disability hate crime .Please you do not know what disability your neighbours have so please do not rush to judge them .
I agree, I do have a limp and a blue badge but no sticks or crutches as this causes a lot of pain in other parts of my body. I have been questioned a number of times by fellow blue badge parker's. (young looking 58 year old) as to my legitimacy. Which I am more than happy to explain and also give them one of my "Failure to Display" sheets I put on cars without a blue badge showing!
Hi Offcut, where do you get your failure to display sheets? I could put a fair few on cars in my area.
I made my own if you have "word" message me with your email I will send you them.
Failure to Display
Please display your disability badge. This facility has been kindly provided for the use of those that are in need of this space because it is close to the premises.
If you are not a holder of a Disability Badge then you are not showing any consideration to those that are not fortunate to be in good health or mobility, and should be ashamed of yourself for parking here.
Issued by :
Disability Parking Action Group
Thank you Offcut for that. I thought you maybe got some official ones from somewhere. I have copied this one and I will print a few out as I think it is brilliant, and will hopefully ( but not holding my breath ) make them feel guilty. Maybe if we all started doing this we might get results, as nothing else seems to work. Cheers Cheryl
It seems I've offended with what I've written, please believe me that was not what I meant. I won't go into it all at the moment as I'm upset in the twisted way it has been taken from now on I'll keep my thoughts to myself and won't reply anymore. Thank you for all the help you've given in the past xx
My wife is physically as fit as a butchers dog but suffers the living death of Alzheimer's would you begrudge her D L A not all illness can be put into brackets I would give all the benefits and all that I own to have the girl back that I married
agree with you,blessings to you,
Fantastic news well done!
good news for once ,ow are you offcuts good i hope,bernicex
Way to go mommalou good for you the best news.Excellent. Janexx
Fantastic mommalou!
Well done I think anyone with COPD should get DLA I was told by someone who works in a big retail shop they have more walking sticks in there warehouse than cloths people walk off and leave them so I ask do they need them it makes me want to spit but to all you out there who don't get DLA keep going keep reapplying. I also think it is time Joe Blogs was made aware of COPD the amount of people who don't know what it is
Poppy ,I am so sorry if I have offended you with my observation,I certainly did not mean to do so ,the point I am trying to make will help all of us in the long run ,goodness knows with this illness we have enough to put with ,the last thing we want is even more "disability hate crime "
Well done Mommalou glad you appealed.
There are many reasons why we disabled people need DLA and Mobility cars, a lot of people do not show symptom's, but they can be very seriously ill. I have Pulmonary Fibrosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis but there are people a lot more ill than me. My only bugbear is when a driver doesn't care, doesn't have a blue badge and uses the last disabled parking space and I have to hobble to my destination sometimes also gasping for breath. I realise that there are also many people claiming and do not need it, but I think this government will get them all sorted out. It is just a pity that it also seems to be stopping the needful from getting it when they should.