Hi everyone, Have been reading lots of your posts, ref Copd, smoking weight loss, am newish to the site and hope you don't fall asleep reading this
I am now in my mid 50s and have smoked since I was 10. Yeah everyone has the good advice about giving up, but I believe, unless you are ready nothing will make you do it. Let me explain that theory of thinking.
I was 35 when I finally settled down got married and had a baby, I never thought my father would walk me down the aisle, as he had severe Copd ephazima, sorry spelt wrong. He did but 10 months later died, that rocked my boat, as my dad was my dad, mate, confidant, shoulder, crutch, rock. I knew I was not breathing very well and feared that I would end up with my dads ailments. Did I stop smoking,(The root cause of the problem for me) no did I hell, I,ll be ok it won't happen to me. Even having nursed my husband after just 6years of marriage, and he passed away with smoking related big C, did I stop well of course I didn't, because, IT WON'T HAPPEN TO ME! I continue to smoke, my breathing, progressively got worse. But that was the starting point.
On my 50th birthday, celebrating in Tintagel, everyone kept whispering as to the weight I had lost, over a couple of years I went from a healthy 9 and a half stone, to 6 and a half, being 5.7 tall I looked like a biafran seen more meat on a butchers apron as the saying goes. I still thought that I was untouchable, it won't happen to me, untill 8weeks ago.
I woke up couldn't breath, or walk the 6 steps to the loo, I tried all the exercise for calming the breathing taught at Copd re-hab, and managed to get to kitchen, only to start screaming for my son. How do you scream for help when you can't breath, is beyond me, but thank god I was heard. Hey guys enough is enough, let me explain where I am now, thanks to all the posts I have read. I left hospital the first 2week stay, and still thought I was untouchable, so bought a pack of 10 cigs. Pleased to say I didn't smoke them all as I had to keep hiding from my son who is so anti cigs, it was painfully. Following another trip to hospital, when I was so bad that I was air lifted from my home, frightening, I am now on track in respect of the smoking, Copd and also coping with the triggers that cause both the temptation of the cigs, and flare ups of Copd exasperations. I do not profess to have any answers but what I am doing I working for me. Apart from that pack of ten cigs, I am now smoke free since 22august managing my breathing following meeting with Copd nurse, and breathing technics from physio, within that same team, and managing moments of stress, with trigger conditions and habits. As for the weight, I am still just over six stones, but got into the shower earlier and actually felt good about my self, didn't have my rose tinted glasses on, promise, but didn't look quite like something out of Biafra. There are lots of things that I have altered in my lifestyle, and far too many really to carry on now, but I will come back and tell you about the changes I have made for me, who knows maybe one of them may work for someone else, one of you. Sleep well all of you, lokoing forward to reading all your news tomorrow. X