Front door more and more people are doing this , would you buy a house with bins at the front
Is it a health issue where I stay we ... - Lung Conditions C...
Is it a health issue where I stay we are supplied with five different coloured bins for our rubbish some people keep the bins outside their

Thats a poser,,depends where you live,,many terrace houses have no option but to keep them outside the front of the house,,if i found a house in my budget price and the bins are kept in the st, i would have no problem with it,,,as long as the bins are kept clean there should be no health problems,,,,in one part of Weymouth they use big seagull proof bags,,far more unsightly than bins,,but stop the mess that the gulls make when tthey rip open bin bags
These wheelie bins in Royston are an issue. 1 black, 1 brown and 1 PURPLE. PLus a black box. It is fine if they can be kept out of sight, but with terrace houses, the whole road looks untidy.
The brown bins are for garden rubbish and food waste in bags. The bags burst open and the inevitable smell results. The bins are emptied once a fortnight. Ours are down a side passage. I keep a pack of deodorising bin buddy. A bin cleaning van comes down to clean as requested.
I still remember the stench from the old fashioned galvanised bins.
Annie hit the nail on the head - we just have too many bins! I always used to use the bottle, paper and can recycling bins at my local tip and in the supermarket car parks. I have a compost heap for veg waste, with everything else going into my dustbin. Now I have three full sized dustbins and a horrid green box, all but 1 only partly filled, emptied fortnightly instead of weekly. Bins are not left on show where I live but many have no option. And some who could leave them around the back choose not to because of the difficulties they have pulling so many bins about (people like us!). It's a dilemma.
I live in a terraced house and used to take the bins through but I am unable to do this now so they have to sit our the front we have a black wheelie bin for household waste which I always put in black bags a green wheelie for garden waste (we have these fastened to a bracket to keep them secure when windy) then we have a green box for paper a black one for glass and a white bag which I keep inside for plastics.
The lady opposite me does not used bags she just throws everything in the bin in must smell horrible.
Not heard of a bin cleaning service.
polly xx
pollyjj hope winds not blowing ur way,lol,bernicexx
Exactly the same here Flib, luckily I might add!
I most definitely wouldn't buy a home where the bins were out in front. I would find coming home to the sight of big bins too depressing.
we have a huge problem with foxes here who used to rip into rubbish & spread it all over the place. I used to spray bleach in my bag & they never touched mine.
Now though we have small fox proof bins for food and it works very well.
I have foriegn people to stay quite often and they are horrified to learn that our bins are emptied only once per week.
The council tried to insist on wheelie bins but there was such an outcry they had to ditch the idea. If it aint broke? They wasted thousands.
I'm very suspicious of recycling. Here we put it all together but I canot imagine they actualy pay people to sort through tons of it.
Hi everyone, well varied coloured bins is the norm these days in UK and many European countries. My general household bin is in the front garden in a special recessed area to make it easy for me to put out for collection due to my health status.Once a month there is a bin cleaning service at the road side for £2.50 for the general household refuse bin. No cleaning services I am aware of for the other recycle bins. The garden refuse one gets the most dirty and smelly so guy's how about coming up with a cleaning service for all the bins ????? At present I fill mine with water and disinfectant then use a mop to clean the inside, but it is very difficult to tip the water out when jobs done, so it doesn't get done very often I am afraid.
For me, I live in a flat. I can keep my 3 coloured bins in the back. But that's not my problem. the problem for me, with bronchiectasis, and recovering from pneumonia is that I have to selct from the one bin in the kitchen because I have no room for several bins in the kitchen. What I have to do is to empty the thing on the floor, select everything cardboard and paper to take it outside and the rest. so I take two bags and carry them outside and empty them in the separate compartment. Then I have to take the bin at the end of our drive.
I was told I could have "assisted" emptying, but it only consist in picking up the bin from the front and leaving it there!!!