I have IPF and following a worsening of my condition in May I am now using Oxygen at 2 lpm almost continuously. I am sure that it is beneficial but I am also experiencing regular nosebleeds in my right nostril. Could this be related to the increased use of oxygen and, if so, is there anything I can do about it?
Nosebleeds with increased use of oxygen. - Lung Conditions C...
Nosebleeds with increased use of oxygen.

Hi Hewie
Is it possible the nose bleeds are being caused by the canula? If you don't do so at the moment lubricate the canula with a water based lubricant. Our old favourite KY jelly is very good. Hope this helps.
As a 24/7 user, I would say most likely. Nasal cannulas make my nose bleed as well. You could try using a face mask for some of the time so the flow is not directly going up the nostril or change to a pulsed flow (if you have that option) so you only get the oxygen as you inhale. I am sure others will be along with more ideas.

Pulsed flow has given me problems ... I don't have the oomph to explain as I'm not doing too well at the moment but it's better on continuous, honest!
I use oxygen 24/7 and did have regular nose bleeds as a new user but not since. Maybe if you persevere a little they will disappear, as mine did.
I am on 02 also 24/7 and can say that it is normally an age thing. The older you are and the more meds you take, can thin the walls of the fragile nasal veins. Avoid heavy blowing and rubbing, and if the bleeds continue, see your GP asap. I did and have been under the ENT Doc for ages. When my nose bleeds we are talking about pints not a handkerchief full. Mine has been fine since my last very painful treatment, so hopefully that will be the end of it. See your GP anyway for a total check up. May be meds or you may need to be referred to the ENT dept at your hospital. Please act sooner rather than later.
If I think my nose is going to bleed, or I start a small bleed, I just cut the cannula down a bit with scissors. That works.
I am not on oxygen yet, although been told I will have to have it in my home in the fufure. I am trying to put it off just now. My breathlessness is pretty bad though after walking up stairs etc. I have nausea most of the time and have put it down to doxycycline, on a 3 month course trying to get rid of a fungus in my lungs. I am taking probiotics daily to counteract any thrush problems etc. I have pulminary fibrosis and intrinsic allergic alveolitus. Does anyone else suffer from nausea?