Is anyone receiving the daily email n... - Lung Conditions C...
Is anyone receiving the daily email notifications.

Yes, but only daily email of 2 posts. And no emails saying someone has replied to our posts.
Bobby xx
I am getting everything.
Everything is coming through to me too, in fact sometimes twice over, suggesting there's no problem with email updates and reply notifications
I get it all too.
I think I will ask for my money back. Ah, I didn't pay anything. Right there must be something in the equalities act. Where's my lawyer!
Bobby xx
I am also getting everything
I'm not getting anything. Agree with Bobby.
I'm getting no emails...
I get reply and think i get daily
I get daily emails, but with only 1 or 2 posts in them, unlike before when I go a whole list I could look down. Also, when I do go to the site, my news feed is now a list of responses, rather than posts. I'd rather see a list of posts and chose which to read, than be faced with a list of responses to a post that may not particularly interest me.
I know I was never particularly active or vocal on this site, but I always looked forward to getting emails every day so I could at least keep up with what was going on, learn things, share things, not feel like I was alone in this. Now, however, while the site itself may be "pretty", it's not very functional.
Unless 1 of the 2 posts I do get notified about each day grabs my attention, like this one, I don't even bother coming to look anymore. I may be being a bit thick, but things used to be a case of click and read. There at your finger tips. Now I don't even know where to start to find what I want, that being a list of posts like we used to have.
P.S. I know you can click on the "posts" link, but I'm talking about the emails. I probably didn't make that clear. Sorry.
This highlights my point exactly.
I had absolutely no idea that you'd replied to my comment. No notifications or anything. The only reason I know about your comment, is because I made a specific point of coming to the website to look for myself. But even that wasn't straightforward.
Once I went through the palaver of clicking on the title of a random post, because there is no direct way of finding a list of recent posts from the home screen, I then had to scroll to the top to enable me to find the "posts" link. I clicked this link to get to the list of recent posts, only for some reason, this post wasn't even listed. Even when I checked back for 7 days. So I had to go back to my original "daily" email notification from you, which thankfully I hadn't binned, and followed the link from that email back to this post. Where have the list of my own comments/posts gone from my account area? The option to go back to this post from there would have been something!
User friendly? I don't think so. If I couldn't find a post I knew was here, how do I know how many other posts I could be potentially missing?
It really disappoints me that this site has turned from being an easily accessible mine of information and support, to something that is so frustrating to attempt to use, it's more of a health risk that it's worth.
Please can you do something about addressing these issues. This was a great site that I used to visit daily, but now, the navigation and notification issues make it, for me, just not worth the aggravation.