Hello dear reader . . .
T’is me Paws your friendly Spiritual Medium again . . . First of all let me post you the link to my group on Facebook - facebook.com/groups/psychom... - you will know you are on the right page when you see two owls on a blue background as the banner for the group. I will paste this a couple more times during the writing of this blog. Question though before I start – who invented ‘Blogs’ – it took me a few years to write any and now I am kind of ‘hooked’.
So . . . Psychometry! Before I start writing more about Psychometry let me tell you a little about who Paws is and how I came by the name first off. I am what is known as a ‘Survivor’ from an abused childhood but during that time I always knew there was [how should I put it] something different about me but really only found out what it was [or is] when I was 38/39. I have been a professional Spiritual Medium for around 20 years now and I do not think of me as being anything special but what I am blessed to do [now] all stems from my past and since that time anything that I go through is geared towards those that Spirit direct towards me for guidance and help. A classic example of that is that one of my family committed suicide a couple of years ago and since then I have been able to bring comfort to one or two people who have experienced such. It was back in late 2004 when I had my first mental breakdown and couldn’t work that my spiritual work got under way. Unaware of why initially I was helping people who were suffering depression it was a few years later things became clear and it took another Medium to explain who I was and who I would be working with in the world of Spirit. I actually at that time thought I was working with a German Doctor in Spirit but I was informed that I am working with Saint Germain an Ascended Master. He also advised me that another (Ascended Master) would be coming forward and I would be working with Hilarion alongside Saint Germain. I have done one to one work but the majority of my work is done on line and twix me and the two Ascended Masters we do Psychic Surgery.
At the time of my first breakdown in Nov/Dec 2004 someone I knew asked me if I wanted a kitten and [of course] I jumped at the chance – but the funny thing was I knew what the kitten had to be called [Caspurr] and how it was to be spelt – that was important. At the same time I was given the name Fourpaws and initially I thought that was something to do with Caspurr, but no it was my new spiritual name and I have been known and addressed as that [albeit the word Four has been dropped] since. facebook.com/groups/psychom... Now how does this link to Psychometry? Well I am sure some of you are aware there are different aspects of Spiritualism or Mediumship and I primarily work with Psychometry, Teaching (Mediumship) and Psychic Surgery my role here is as an Advocate for Spirit. Around 90% of my spiritual work is done on line and at no cost to anyone, no matter what it is I do!
If I am doing a ‘live’ [public demonstration] of Psychometry the first thing I ask for when I have selected a person is for their house keys. As soon as I hold them I am able to tell the owner if they have or are going through a bad emotional period – it has recently been enhanced to pinpointing it down to the day and also what part of the day. All that is given to me through the strength of the energy I have at that time. When I do the ‘key’ thing on line, people are asked to take a photo of their house key (it must be off the key ring) and placed on the group. If the key is selected (I will only do a reading when the owner of the key is on line) even though it is a photo of the key I can see the key bend and whichever way it is bent dictates to me what information I need to give to the owner and once the information has been passed the key is straightened up. The ‘Sitter’ (the person I am reading for) is instructed to offer me no information and to just respond to my statements with just either a Yes or No, unless I need them to clarify something - facebook.com/groups/psychom... - when you join the group you will be able to scroll back through the history of the group and see all the readings I have done and what objects have been used. Here are just a few of the items I have read from – (I say ‘read from’ because I actually do read the item and not just use it as a link unlike many others I know) – Keys, clothing, Tattoos, a message in a bottle, a ship in a bottle and also a Gas Mask tin from WWII are just some of the things used. By the time the key has been read I would usually have a loved one from the world of spirit by my side – Gentlemen stand to the right and place their hand on my right shoulder and the Ladies stand to the left and touch my left shoulder.
Just a brief thing about Psychic Surgery - some [and quite rightly so] consider Psychic Surgery an elaborate form of Reiki. This is how it works when I do it on line - I did most of the Surgery on line when I had my teaching sites (which I had to give up through illness). In truth it worked [especially] then when there were thirty or more people watching because all that energy combined allowed it to happen - the Surgery is based on pure spiritual energy. Let's say a person comes to me with a leg injury or even they have a urinary infection - what we do is ask for permission to go to their home. Assuming all the answers are a 'Yes' we [the energy] will enter that persons home and we will be standing behind them. Throughout this all those people watching can see both me and the person having the surgery done. We spiritually place our hands on the person's shoulder and those watching see me doing this movement of my hands over the shoulders. If the person can feel this then we or I will move one hand to just in front of the person's forehead. When they say they can feel the energy pressing against the forehead we push my hand (energy hand that is) through the person's forehead and envelop the brain with a layer of heat. This temporarily puts the person to sleep or into a meditative state. What we then do is a full body MOT [if you will] from the feet up and move to say the infected area. We treat that and we will also treat anything else we find throughout this process finally getting up to the brain. The last thing we do is we adjust the brain a few millimetres as that realigns all the chakras. We bring the person back and they need to sip water and not move for about five to ten minutes. So there you have it - oh and we do advise the person that they must not consider Psychic Surgery as a cure [but as a bonus] and that they must still attend their Doctor.
I think that should be enough for now to be going on with - facebook.com/groups/psychom... - please feel free to ask me any questions and I will do my best to answer them.
Luv’n’hugs to you all and a big thank you for taking an interest in what I do . . .
NB: Although you may only see half of the link I have tried it out a few times and it will take you to my group . .