I am really worried about these chest infections as its hard to monitor any improvement I do feel that my breathing is improving but am being nocked back all the time with these infections. wondered if anyone else has gone through this?
have asthma and copd I stopped smokin... - Lung Conditions C...
have asthma and copd I stopped smoking several years ago but started again I stopped again four months ago but have been ill with infections

Hi, at the risk of telling you something you've already guessed at, taking up smoking then giving it up again has confused the issue. You'll probably have to go through this period of repeated infections for a while, as you did before. The trick will then be to keep off. I don't expect your G P will be very sympathetic but that's your best bet.
Good luck,

thought this was what was happening my gp has been very understanding and is soooo very happy I have now managed to crack it again. and I know this is my last chance now I was so I'll in hospital in march it frightened me to death so I won't be even thinking of having a cig ever again. I am not on oxygen and I don't want to even go there but my mobility is terrible so I am hoping losing weight will help with that too thanks for the reply and good wishes

I also have two cats that my doctor has told me to rehome he thinks they r not good for this illness either
Hello ginaapple, welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time with chest infections at the moment. A big well done for quitting the ciggies, I am sure that has been the best thing you can do to help yourself. I take it the Doctor is prescribing antibiotics for your infection, and keeping a check on your copd and asthma? I do wish you well and hope that it won't be too long till you are better. If you are noticing your breathing improving, then that is a good sign that you are turning the corner now. Have you had any pulmonary rehab?
There is a BLF helpline open Monday to Friday Call 03000 030 555 if you want to speak to a nurse. I hear they are as friendly as we are.
Best wishes Anna x

I rang the helpline about 3 mths ago the receptionist said she'd get someone to call me back I'm still waiting, not so good eh?
i'm sorry you did not get your call back, perhaps they were having a busy day and something went wrong with the message, you should try them again or you can email them at helpline@blf.org.uk good luck

thanks and I am well and truley off them now. am going to start exercising as soon as I can get a break from these infections lol
well done and you are right about the exercise, there is a chap on here called tony (dall05) you should have a read of his blog and a look at his video he made, inspirational it is. I just did a PR course, and thought I learned a lot from it, also they give you a walk test at the beginning i could only do 240 meters and at the end of course 7 weeks later I could do 540 meters. So I joined the gym now. Hope you feel better soon. Anna xx
sorry here is a link to tony's post healthunlocked.com/!/#blf/p...

hi can't watch the video my tablet does not support flash but will read his blog my walk test was awful don't think I managed 200 mtrs lol but I am so fat I am five stone over weight lol
oh that is a shame you can't see the video. I was underweight by about a stone, and since starting inhalers 5 months ago, I am eating better and now am about a stone overweight. which is ok with me.
hiya, i found i had a lot of infections when i gave up smoking and started again but last infection got really nasty and ended up on oxygen at home for a month. have now given up the fags and i have found swimming a good form of exercise as it isnt too much of a strain. good luck with it all will be worth it in the end xx
Hi ginaapple sorry you are not well, but you have done the best thing possible quitting smoking.
yes chest infections are constant with copd..stop smoking!..i average a chest infection every 6wks..your doc should prescribe rescue meds, (antibiotics always in your house)depending on how bad your copd is..the less infections you may get...good luck
I was recommended to take a spoonful of Manuka honey a day by my COPD nurse and it has helped keep me clear of infection for months! It's a bit pricey but worth it to keep the infections away. I use e-cigs to keep off the cigarettes, it's working well. Good luck !
what strength of honey do you take cause I was told 25 or above and can't find it for less than 25 quid was going to get some this week when I get paid is it just one spoonful a day
I get the highest I can find in the supermarket usually 10 or 15 at Tesco or Morrisons. I have one teaspoonful in Greek yogurt for my breakfast every morning. Find it too sweet to eat straight from the jar but if you can do it that way is probably best. Xx
Hi I totally sympathise with your plight with the old reminds the fags lol
I also am struggling with them , yet its true as my chest infections are related and weaken my lungs. So, when I am ill either virus etc , my chest takes longer to get back to what is my normal state with COPD . My demons inside start my cravings first thing in the morning , yet believe more its my life style and so wish to be somewhere else with healthy options ..... I am trapped in sheer boredom , , hear people say ' give up then you have money to do thing with " wish it was that bloody easy .
hi blessings,as Philip said try the e cigs but get of the fags,and a small jar manuka honey is 7pound at hollan and barretts other bigger jars are more pricey much more so go for the 7pound 1 ,I did an e cigs are ok better than the fags,i quit just on bein told I had copd but others are different so get e cigs to help u ,take care
oh i can sooooo understand what you are going through and i bought a book the easy way to stop smoking by alan carr its very good. ive put in for text pals so would be happy to text u if it would help keep the bordom at bay. i also went to a hypnotherapist. i am sure i have cracked it now but its been a long hard haul for me but its a breeze for some people lol good luck and message me whenever you like x
I quit in January after being told I had copd and am using the e cig but I was wondering if these do any harm
hi yes so was I because I tried one and my airways closed up a bit in response so I don't use them anymore. this might be because my airways are more sensitive as I also have asthma
i gave up smoking 7 months ago i decided to give up when i turned 58 after smoking for 42 years, then they did a lung performance test and told me i dont have asthma anymore but copd i gave up using champix tablets they really worked for me but they dont suit everybody, the smell of smoke makes me feel nauseous now i sometimes wonder if my body was ready to give up the cigs wish i had done it sooner the joys of hindsight !!! i also read the alan carr book it really helped as well hope everything goes ok hang on in there xx