is there anything better than mucodyne ??? I,m having a rough time moving phlegm , gp has upped mt steroid inhaler to 100,mg the pollen is playing havoc with me
help again please: is there anything... - Lung Conditions C...
help again please

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I find the saline nebules good for shifting mucus, but you have to have a nebuliser.
You could ask your GP about an alternative solution or ask GP for referral to a physiotherapist who can help you with the clearing of mucus.
Mean time make sure you drink plenty of water to help keep the mucus more fluid and easier to cough up.
Good luck and hope you can resolve this situation soon.

Keep hydrating....I have found the breathing exercises (diaphragm and pursed lip) excellent in bringing out my phlegm... You may want to try them..3-4 x daily
How long have you been taking mucodyne? It takes 2 to 4 weeks to take effect properly...
Agree with blakey, keep yourself hydrated..
Drinking plenty of water and exercise works best for me. Get yourself really puffing hard for 10 minutes and up it comes.
Sadly a lot of GP no longer refer patients for physio as we found out from this site recently. I am one of the lucky ones who has a consultant that does, but my physio said I was the only lung patient he has, I am not sure why whether it is cost or for other reasons.
You can buy nebulisers i was advised to by my consultant, and found it through the blf magazine, Banner many years ago my dad got his through his hospital but again most do not do this now My Gp prescribes the meds for it for me.
I hope your feeling better soon I think exercise depends on what your lung condition is and what stage too so I would take medical advice on that.
Best wishes.
Have you tried "huffing"? It is a technique taught at pulmonary rehab programmes. Try this -
Though there may be better examples.
I agree with dall05, plenty of fluids and exercise works a treat.
I have just got over a lung infection caused by a flu virus. (Just as well I had a flu shot this year) which required two 2 courses of antibiotics.
Each course lasted for 5 days, and was a combination of two different types of antibiotics.
Because of the infection, I couldn't exercise so my fitness dropped right off. Amazing three weeks of no exercise and It was back to square one.
But just like dallo5 says, the first time i did start exercising again all the gunk that was in my lungs came right out.
It made me realize that I'm living life on a slippery slope. I am never going to get any higher up the slope, but I have to keep moving (exercising) to ensure that I don't slip back any further. Because I believe any ground lost can never be regained. Keith
My husband uses a flutter device which he finds really good. Take care TAD xx
at Pulmonary Rehab last week the 'huffing' was strongly recommended for this. Also drink at least 2 litres per day (I guess more if you're sweating, sorry, perspiring, in the heat).
The 2 litres doesn't count caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee or cola.
Decaf tea & coffee are ok.
(above delete was me, sticky keyboard) peeg
The "huffing" technique.The fact that the Pulmonary Rehab strongly recommended it should be a good indicator. I'm going to give the flutter pipe a run to see if it works for me. It sounds like it will work for me By the way has any one tried Friars balsam for removing the gunk. I used it years ago when i got congested, but it doesn't get much of a mention these days. Keith
Someone on here mentioned olbus oil
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