I was diagnosed with emphysema a bit more than 16 years ago. In the last year I have started suffering with anxiety & now I am having very bad palpitations. Almost called an ambulance tonight it was so bad. Does anybody else suffer like this & has anybody got any advise to offer. I have been a member of this site for quite a while but am afraid I'm somebody that tends to keep quiet unless I can offer some help or in this case need some. Hope somebody can help. Thanks in advance.
Can anybody help? I am suffering so b... - Lung Conditions C...
Can anybody help? I am suffering so bad with palpitation.

Hi there I am new here I use a relaxation c.d it calms me right down hope this helps x
Thanks sorry you're a sufferer but glad I'm not as alone as I feel.
I get them a lot and I've been told it from being on symicort
I have palpitations a lot of the time my GP says it's connected to the inhalers I never used to have them when I was first on them, an ecg was borderline I think anxiety is a very common theme with chronic lung disease and some people here do take anti anxiety tablets I do understand how you feel my Dad also had empesyema and he too had a lot of palpitations. I hope your feeling better soon
best wishes julie xxx x xxx x
do see your doctor but a simple thing to try when you get into that state is to breathe in and out very slowly into a paper bag might help to calm you down
I get anxiety and panic attacks but I don't seem to get palpitations. I would see if your GP can give you something to help with the anxiety.
Lib x
Thanks for all your replies. Hope you all have a good day. Stay well .
Are you feeling any better this morning?

Still got plenty of bumping & fluttering going on. Have phoned for a phone consultation with Dr to check how far things have progressed as regards 24hr trace & also my GP was writing to ask my consultant if he can suggest what I can take for anxiety. I tried Sertraline a while ago. Thought I was going to die after the third day. Am very frightened now to try another one but can't cope any longer without some sort of help. Thanks for asking its so good to know people care.
It is good you will be speaking with your doctor. I do hope things settle down for you. Staying on here, reading the blogs and have a chat may help you feel distracted. Wishing you better.
anna x
Years ago a doctor told me to put the middle finger of my left hand under my right earlobe and stroke gently but firmly down and across towards my throat. No harm in trying it.
polly xx
Meant to say it works for me.
polly xx
Hi nanniesue, nice to see you on the site, but sad that you are having problems. Since you have had your diagnosis for some while, has there been a change in your circumstances to make you feel more anxious? Not prying into your personal life in the slightest, but on occasions I have felt more anxious due to outside influences. Try and keep well and get that doctors advice as soon as you can. xx
Can only think that being due to have 2 teeth out tomorrow is sending the anxiety into total panic, although I don't feel as if I'm worried about it. It's all I can think of though. Many thanks for interest.
Hi nanniesue I have a dread of dentists , the doctor gives me 2 diazepam .which I take at the surgery 20mins before being seen..but you mustn't drive afterwards, I find this works for me and my dentist, as he can work. Properly
I often get palpitations. I had a three day monitor on following an over night one and then a heart scan, I was diagnosed with Atrial fibrillation, sorry spelling may be wrong, Anyway heart doctor wanted to put me on warfarin but my chest consultant said no way as I have had bleeds from my lungs a few times. Anyway I just have to put up with them now. I hope yours are just related to something simple and you feel better soon. M
Hi, I have bronchiecatasis and had an empyema in 2003, which from then until now causes me serious problems with my breathing, but what I want to say that around 2005 I started suffering from palpitations which were very, very scary, I have been taking Flecainide as I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation. They do help but I am now on the highest dose, but it is under control. Maybe this could help so ask your GP, I have just started taking Warfarin, not happy, but rather than have a heart attack I suffer taking yet another tablet along with the other 16 !!!. Hope you get some relief from the palpitations soon :)
Good luck with the dentist...do they know what medications you are on..my dentist always asks before each treatment.
I find distractions like doing puzzle or colouring books help anxiety levels. Also the meditation videos on You tube are calming
Have you rung the BLF helpline for advice, they have leaflets on anxiety and information on their Community Blog.
Best wishes
Hi I got anxiety due to steroid medication Messing up my adrenal glands. I found that sticking my head under cold water drops my heart rate quickly and the anxiety goes. It's a little drastic but works for me. There is also holding your breath slows down the heart rate but that doesn't work as well. DEAN
Hi, sorry you're having palpitations, they're Scarry.
I was given predisonol and within 24 hrs thought I was going to die. I also got palps when using certain inhalers. Transpired that I couldn't tolerate steroids. Might be worth checking out
Good luck and best wishes