21 days 3 whole weeks since I had a cig it's been,hard and I've been tested many times but hopefully they will be no turning back now
21 days without a ciggy: 21 days... - Lung Conditions C...
21 days without a ciggy
Excellent! You should be proud of yourself! Keep up your resolve.
Always nice to start the day with good news
Well done pamela
Thankyou Kevin xx
Go for it hon...keep going you are doing well. You will find (as you have said) that you will be 'tested' - that is how you see it - being tried and tested and that will continue for a good long years. Many years ago when Zyban was available which I was prescribed I stopped for seven years but then found and used a feeble excuse to start smoking again. I cannot remember what the excuse was but regrettably I started smoking again and haven't been able to stop since. People know I have chest problems (have had that all my life) and they give me that sort of resigned look that says 'You're a fool!'...yes I am.
So please hon keep going you will get there with your sheer determination and strength and I think all of us here will be rooting for you.
Paws XXX
Thankyou jennyren xx
Very well done! , keep it up and stay strong, you can improve your lungs and feel so much better! xxx
Thankyou libbygood and I will keep you all informed I just didn't want to bore you all with me keep going on about it but without the support of done people on this site don't think I would of got this far a big thankyou for that xx
Very well done! X
Rhinitis paws I don't want people to think that Ian running it in there faces just wanted to let people no because you all have Been there for me I've Been tested many times the worse time was last Monday when a close friend told me she had cancer and the outcome is not looking to good that seems to have made me stronger in a weird way thankyou for your kind words xxx
Thankyou pollyxx
Thankyyou hufferpuffer iam starting.g to feel the benefits already xx
Thankyou Jayb xx
Well done!
You're first month will be here before you know it.
I bet you are proud of yourself, Pamela, all the best from Annieseed x
congratulations....I was wondering how you were doing ..best wishes..
Good on you,wonderful going! Hope you're saving your "smokes" money,to buy yourself something nice,as a good reward for yourself.
I'm sure you have been tested,I remember the sad news about your friend,so you can be doubly proud of yourself,
Love Wendells xxx
Thankyou chris xx
Thankyou carrieme xx
Thankyou anniseed yes I am proud of myself my family are even prouder xx
Thankyou knitter xx
Thankyou wendells Iam saving my smokie money up to treat my 4 grandchildren with that's a big reward for me xx and yes feel like I was doubley tested last week reversibly friend xx
Thankyou toci xxx
So pleased to read about someone who has stopped. After three weeks you've cracked the physical side (as long as you're not getting nicotine in an alternative way like patches or e-cigs) so you're now stuck with the mental side. The key thing when I stopped was the realisation that I wasn't "giving up" anything but that I was "taking up" something.
Look at it this way. When you were young you probably enjoyed running around, even close or across roads. Your parents will have said (or stronger) "Stop doing that!" not "I wish you would give up doing that!" Reason: your life was much better/safer. OK you had to "give up" the thrill of running in front of moving traffic in exchange for "taking up" a safer and probably longer life. No-brainer!
If you spend all day longing for the cigarettes which you're no longer smoking then you still have the idea that somehow you can smoke and be safe. Be positive! You've taken up something worth a lot more; a healthier and happier life. Remind yourself of that every time you start hankering after the "pleasures" of smoking. You'll soon be able to forget the cigarettes and get on with the rest of your life.
In case you're thinking "Oh yeah, another preacher!" I was a fifty a day smoker - 17 years ago now.
Hi waymouthjohn Iam using a emulator I can use up to 6 a day but choose to use 1 Ian confused now thought I was doing really well didn't think of it like that that I was still getting nicotine I don't think of you preaching I don't seeing any of use on this site As preaching just good advice xx BBB
Well done keep up the good work
Congratulations pamela67, keep up the good work
You are doing really well Pamela. If you're using nicotine replacement, that's a whole lot better than smoking. Great success story, keep t up.
Lynne xx
Thankyou decor xx
Thankyou blakeyc I intend,to xx
Thankyou Lynne Ian not using alot of nicotine replacement maybe one a day I've been told I can use up to six a day but the way I see it if I can manage on one that's all the better for me xx
Three weeks, Pamela - brilliant! Each new day, minute, second even is such an achievement. Keep going and keep letting everyone know.
Excellent news. It is hard but your health will benefit for it . x Joyce
Thankyou richardcrossroads yes it as Been hard but worth it xx
Awww thankyou jean I will keep updating just didn't want to bore people thankyou for your comment xx
Hi joyce Iam starting to feel the benefits already thankyou xxx
all admiration and respect to you :))
how is this quitting affecting your breathing ? thanks, Julie
all admiration and respect to you :))
how is this quitting affecting your breathing ? thanks, Julie
all admiration and respect to you :))
how is this quitting affecting your breathing ? thanks, Julie
Well done please let us know how you get on - I still have that hurdle to go xxx Just one question what is an emulator please - google searched it but only came up with computer stuff.
Hi Julie and thankyou and yes is the answer since stopping smoking I've noticed a difference at first I thought my breathing was and still is getting worse but then had blood test to be told my iron level is at rock bottom it's level 4 which isn't food and it affects your breathing plus my thyroid level is pretty much mixed up which all combined is making me feel really I'll but one thing for sure regarding giving up the ciggys I feel so much better still get craving for one I smoked for 33yrs do I expected that fingers crossed I'll continue to be a non smoker xx
Hi undine rhinitis and will keep you updated allow Iam going on x and Ian sure one day when the time right you will get over your hurdle sorry I misspelt it it called an inalator I got it of the no smoking nurse or you can buy them takes abut to get used to to but Ian on day 23 now Ian eating alot of sugar free chewing gum and snacks jacks because I don't want to put to much weight xxx
Well done & keep up the good work! You put me to shame as I know I need to give up, but am still smoking, even tho I have cut down to less than 5 per day ...... it's 5 too many! I will keep on trying, but well done you!
Rastagilly don't feel like that I started cutting,down to five a day,then I cut right down to just a few puffs a day then quit thankyou xxx
wish that i could do that ,its hard think ill try to pack in soon
David23 it is hard to give up the ciggys Iam surprised I've still not had one I've had alot of advice and support from the people on this site and that's what's encouraged me to kept it up and keep of the ciggys xxx
well done. ive not had a cig for 5wks now. im smoking a electronic cig tho. i feel much better already.
Well done you Soggi I feel much better to I can,smell things better taste foods better don't if that's a good thing thou as my appetite as,come,back hoping to not out,to much,weight on thou xx