This blog contains mixed content, hum... - Lung Conditions C...

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This blog contains mixed content, humour included and non lung related.

47 Replies

It sure is getting confusing around here :-

A blog title with a smile that gets serious.

A blog with lung related title gets humour thrown in.

I would have enjoyed both but it doesn't seem to be working for everyone this way.

I shall gracefully retire and wish you all a happy evening whatever the blog.

Here is something you may find funny:

47 Replies

You really are quite unbelievable, having actually done exactly what you are complaining of in previous posts. Seems when things are going ok you need to upset the apple cart?

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Agreed tenfold.

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I agree too

Listen up chaps, don't bother me any more. do not answer any of my blogs or respond to any of my comments, PLEASE IGNORE ME.

I see this persistent hounding as offensive, as harassment and bullying.

Year after year you have done this and then you jump on the band wagon of my changing names, is it really any wonder?

And you how many names have you gone by? Many more than I for sure.

Good night.

How can it not have occurred to you that that is precisely how you come across to quite a lot of us, needlessly confrontational, misrepresenting what's been said apparently to justify an abrasive attack. You have generated the antipathy you complain about yourself.

What, if any fair solution there might be is beyond me at this moment.


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I include you in the 'please ignore me' homebreeze,

You don't know me even though you once thought you did, I am not who you think I am, it just one of the many things you did get wrong about me. Whether you want to believe it not.

Give a girl a break and LEAVE ME ALONE.

libby7827 profile image

Well I have never been anyone else, never needed to be. If you have been suffering these problems for years it can only be because you just cannot resist spoiling things by making unnecessary and provocative comments and people don't appreciate it. After "year after year" it seems you have not worked this out. What was the purpose of your post?

in reply to libby7827


sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to libby7827

Don't you go changing libby. You are great just the way you are and always make me smile. xxx :)

Do as the lady says, leave her alone!!

Sorry but I am afraid that she has well and truly now outed herself as the troublemaker that she is QUOTE year after year you have done this and then you jump on the band wagon of my changing name UNQUOTE after earlier taunting people about fooling them into believing she was a male posting a crude joke, and caused a divide over her anti humour rants and claiming to be a new member in which case how could people have done things too her year after year. her id is falling apart and so is her reasons I notice she has deleted the crude joke in which she also admitted to being female and not male, resorting to her tactic of being bullied yet again when the truth is she is the bully, I guess things got too quiet for her so she had to stir things again. As the BLF say below dont be deliberateley misleading.

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Toci profile image

Surely one should ignore and report?

I bet there's been a lot of reporting today

phillips1 profile image

Ok guys, enough is enough. BlakeyC, start being less abrasive. The rest of you, give the new Blakey, who I am sure will emerge, a chance to start anew.

Love to ALL

Bobby XXX

in reply to phillips1

Will they take any notice of you Bobby?

If so why have you allowed them to go so far? Why haven't you spoken sooner?

I have no trouble with anyone on this site until certain persons start abusing, calling names, naming and shaming, etc etc etc then there is trouble and its not me that ever starts it, even though others will have you believe otherwise.

You know the reason I have changed my name and I don't always say if I am male or female, its precisely because of this kind of abuse. I am sure there are more than just a few who know the entire history of what I am talking about and its about time people stopped going along with these people who persistently abuse.

Its a disgusting such behaviour is tolerated by anybody on a chronic illness support forum.

I have asked on numerous occasion for people to ignore me. but they do not.

CornishBrian profile image
CornishBrian in reply to phillips1

Well said and nicely put.

coffalot profile image

I thought the clip was funny, probably would have been even funnier with both Ronnies'

in reply to coffalot

thank you coffalot, for your positive comment, I too found it funny :)

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hi if ppl read or not read its up to them,ppl rite wat they want I would have thought if they don't want to read or watch its up to them,i take no offence either way im just glad I found this site I read wat I want and ignore wat I don't want to read simple ,can I ask though are u male or female don't mind if I ask its in a nice way take care

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I am glad you are enjoying the site caroll, I guess whoever gets to be a target of the abusers will always find it hard to ignore the abuse directed at them especially when they are hounded time after time, there is only so much ignoring of people who abuse others one can do and I feel its not right just to ignore abuse without reporting it or trying to stop it in some way.

When I arrived here carroll, I never divulged if I was male or female, but on arrival I was being accused of being 'He ' a male character that a certain gang of people liked to call names and abuse, they decided I was some one I am not, they decided I wasn't ill and I had no rights to be here. Obviously with this sort of attack on me I didn't want to share any personal information. Really it shouldn't matter if I was male or female, personally I don't think that is important to know, we can support each other without knowing personal details or if we are male or female.

Any way the repeated attempts on blackening my character persisted.

Yesterday I decided to reveal I was female, but that didn't stop any abuse, I was dealt more, for a gang of people to attack me because they thought I was some Male person didn't stop when I said I was female it was just used against me. You see I never said I was either male or female until yesterday, the people who thought I was male decided that for themselves and they also decided I was a troll and trouble maker from the beginning, they made a judgement and because they are not able to admit they got it wrong they stick by their beliefs about me and continue their abuse to ward me.

So yes in answer to your question I am female, I could say a lot of other things about who I really am and about my lung condition, but to be honest I don't think that will stop these people who persistently abuse others and I would doubt they would ever want to believe any thing I say. Thankfully though there are others who can see beyond the accusations made against me.

I reply to you in a nice way, take care yourself

in reply to

hi thanks for ur reply nice neither 2faced or 1o faced like town hall clock .joke that.i have always took ppl as I found them and never listened to others with snide remarks I say why talk with some1 if u don't get on or dislike them.yust say hi that's it,u take care flower ye be ur own guide as I do

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p.s, I only joined in feb wen I was told I had copd,after lot of ignored xrays of my ex gp,i have a new 1 now hes ok,so I wouldn't no bout ur past troubles on hear ,and so that's old news to me of no interest to me,watever happened say yesterday is gone its a new day that's me for u,an not mithered if u are man or woman ,

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thank you carol x

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anytime sfe

ginachron profile image

Loved the video. Classic. Thank you.

Gina x

caroleoctober profile image

Oh well it was Sunday, must be the weekend that stirs things up. Methinks someone may work in the week! Keep smiling

Carole x

in reply to caroleoctober

but the rest must bottle up all their anger and hate all week too must play havoc on their health.

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that is so true wen I was told I had copd and came home and googled wat it was I was stuk to the chair in shock,didnt tell family for a month,as I was just told u have copd go to ur gp that's it,gp ye who ignored xray last yr,,went to him alrite told him wat I thought an got new gp,i had anger that time at him and it did me good to tell him,then I was ok,as im not nasty or hateful person ,if I don't like some1 just keep a wide berth that's it,all my grankids helped me with computer as I didn't no how to use 1 and the slang words short 1s I mean,they keep me on my toes as 2 live ear as does my son,daughters are always round ,ex was a bad alky hes gone got new wife good riddance the stress of him didn't help the cigs with me but wen I was told wat I had the cigs stopped that day,

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go hoz at 3 for results for hovergram as I had mammagram then other done

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hope you get good results carol. good luck

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did was a clump of calcimthey zapped lot out last Thursday with biopsy 5 times ,little bit left but its fine she said that out of road ,go hope wens tubes up nose with camera then bak thurs for em out hitus not rite ,wont get that result till I go thameside july,this yr up 2 now all av dun is bacword and forward

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That's great news well done carol, wishing you good results for July also.

Take good care.

bc x

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thanks a bunch am bed now grandsons have b up 645 for skwl.son decorating stairs 2 morrow so al nip to youngest daughters an sit there shes at work .take care

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hi/didn't get to hope yesterday/hired car of avis rental broke down near ashton..daughter rung them/will send a truck/got no other cars yet.told them shambles/we leaving car /u cant /well we have pik keys up at mine,ad my 8month old youngest grandson with us,got bus bak.rung hope and new app for july 21st,ad ring thameside to change that to ,that's 31st july now for all results,told girl in avis office want my mony bal in 48hr no messing,truk man came 2hrs after for keys .there not bothered

in reply to caroleoctober

hi ow u keeping

caroleoctober profile image
caroleoctober in reply to

Hi caroll, I am fine thanks, waiting for the specialist to call me in to see if I can have the valves fitted, Hope you are ok. Keep smiling.

Carole x

in reply to caroleoctober

I do smile have to havnt we,fingers crossed for u ,let us no.wen do u expect hear of him.

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p.s.nurse at gps said I have lung age of 90yr old im 63 young,don't no why they tell u if u don't ask do u ,

Tamara70 profile image

I thought this site was for people with lung conditions to air their problems and hopefully get some relevant feedback with the odd joke thrown in. This is not what I see on this blog. What is happening?


sassy59 profile image

Round and round and round we go, where will it end? Nobody knows!

Ignoring all silliness and upsets, not one to take offence or to give it but am a little bit fed up with all this at the moment so will just take a break for a while I think. Life is way too short for such nonsense. I wish everyone good health, happiness and peace and will pop back when I feel like it. In the meantime, I will be taking care of my lovely Pete and helping to give our grandson a happy 1st birthday. Lots of love to one and all and take care. xxx :)

P.S. The agitators have not won but it is all so childish and I left school many years ago. xx

in reply to sassy59

I am of the same mind sassy59.

If only it were just childish behaviour though,. sadly its more than that, its abuse, of the site and people.

Good wishes to you and Pete and have a wonderful happy 1st birthday celebrations with your grandson.

peege profile image

That was really quite funny - the video clip, not the dim comments following!

You people! Un b..... believable, dont like a blog? THEN DONT COMMENT!!

in reply to peege

Hi peeg, glad you enjoyed the humour, I did too :)

Have a great afternoon.

peege profile image
peege in reply to

you too - sad to look in & see the above.Thought it would be safe on a Monday. :(

in reply to peege

Its getting difficulty answering or posting the blogs as just don't know when the bad mouthers will come out and foul things up for people. :(

Hope there will be more opportunities to enjoy the community without such destructive events repeating themselves, that will be a good day to smile :) x

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