After writing I'm back a couple of weeks ago saying pneumonia had gone and I was feeling better, well I'm not!!
A couple of days after I started to cough, feel terribly unwell etc.
I've now been on 3 weeks on antibiotics and steroids and my GP today said if no improvement I have to be admitted to hospital tomorrow. I have an antibiotic I've not had before, I always have Cefalexin as I tolerate it well. I'm allergic to penicillin and most antibiotics give me vile side effects. I'm now on ciprofloxacin 500mg three times a day and 60mg of prednisilone.
Doctor is phoning me tomorrow afternoon and if no improvement he is sending an ambulance for me.
I so don't want to go I can't tell you.
I'm fed up to the back teeth of all this, it's week after week after week this year. I'm not one to get depressed or maudlin but this has really annoyed me!!
Anyway, thought I'd let you all know why I've not been around since my last blog saying alls well!!M
Hope everyone else is alright.
Mike x