Has anyone been prescribed Oramorph, to help with breathing difficulties, if so did you find it helpful?
Has anyone been prescribed Oramorph? ... - Lung Conditions C...
Has anyone been prescribed Oramorph? to help with breathing difficulties? If so how did you find the result ?

My husband has been given Oramorph - he only has 1.25 mls, and we don't often use it. He has IPF, and desaturates very rapidly when he moves around. He's on oxygen, and if we remember to turn it up before exertion that helps a lot to prevent severe SOB. When he had an infection in February the Dr advised a one-off 5mls to help his severe SOB and it seemed to do the trick. I've also given it to him in the night, when he couldn't get his breath after getting out to the loo. I think it works by calming down the breathing and enabling you to breath slower.
Good luck!
I have emphysema COPD my matron recommended Oramorph and I find it a godsend - great relief under very similar circumstances, on exertion.
Hope this helps
morning,my late brother who i looked after for 7 month be fore bldy mesothelomial took him had oramorph it helped him loads then came the patches horrible disease asbestos ,hows u and ann keeping good,the weather in oldham is lovely dont no wat weather ur having hope its as good take care mate
im saying morning as not long up 1st for me im up 645 all week 1 of grandsons lives hear as go skwl,got my greatgrandaughter last nite,her mum my grandaughter who i brought up from birth says shes uo at 630 at home never later ,hear its 9 or 10 wen shes up,breath of fresh air she is,im watching c,beebies with her and shed got my boots on comical

Sounds like you have lots to keep you busy. Grandchildren (and great grandchildren too of course) are such a bonus. xx

i have been given oramorph but a little too afraid to use it, as it states on instruction not top take with emphysema what do u think
Take it, for God's sake and your own. Are you afraid so done will call you a junkie? Tell them kids your grits, take your medicine. (And God bless you)
Its a God send to me, I get some thing like panic attacks sats drop from 96 to 84 for no reason, 02 is of no help nebulisers dont help. 5ml Oramorph, two or three mins later and I am back from the brink. Before I had the stuff if I got an attack it involved a trip in an ambulance then the Bi pap in resus. This is a horrible desease if something helps use it. I am Gold stage 4 diagnosed in 2002.
Just back from a lovely holiday in Worthing when I noticed your question. Oramorph is generally used in palliative care for severe pain, my husband took it when he had terminal cancer, during the last months. It is known to cause respiratory depression/ slowing of the breathing which I presume is why it is being prescribed to lung patients these days to give the lungs a helping hand,so hope it works for you.
I have very recently been prescribed OraMorph through my Respiratory Nurse and then GP.
Supposed to take 2.5ml to 5ml up to four times a day to relieve breathlessness but have been too scared to take it yet!
It really will help Jemma. If your really short of breath it will improve the situation.
You'll feel better, don't be scared its a useful tool as it were.
Good luk,
had oramorph after emergency op ad 8 days in intensive care it can be addictive in hosp they gave me up to 5mls 8 x a day just made me sleep and feel like i was drunk all time try 2.5ml once and see how u feel took me 5mnths to get down to 2.5ml once a day which i take at night helps me sleepxx
Thankyou to all who answered my question, about ,you're knowledge and experiences, of Oramorph, I have since found out more info from my GP,but you're comments have been help full, nothing to to frightened of if used as directed, no pink elephants or anything like that just use as directed , or find an appropriate lower dose that suits you're needs thank you all
zacia x x x
What are you afraid of Jenna? The side effects,or the way it's going to make you feel? The GP,told us, that it, will help with you're breathing, and it is quite often prescribed, for many different conditions, please don't worry you will feel you're normal self only better, which is the worst of the two? Not being able to breath? Or taking medicine and feeling better, you can relax love . Please have a go and let me know how you're coping . People always panicked when they here the word morphine there's different strengths,and many uses
I was frightened too no need x x
Thank you Zacia for your words of comfort re oramorph. I'm hoping the Respiratory Nurse may phone me next week. My concern also is that I have developed a cough that is bringing up alot of sputum (clear and tested OK). I feel that I need to get rid of the excessive sputum which will help my breathing not rely on Oramorph. Hope that makes sense.
Jenna so glad you're tested, and clear ,respiratory nurse, is the way to go, she will be able to advise,you on how best to clear you're chest, there are some very good breathing exercises, that will help ask her about the huffing, exercise, it's very simple, yet effective
I can understand, that you would prefer to go a more natural way ,it's best if you can.
It's very difficult when taking something new, especially, something like Oramorph, but it can have great value, when used properly, and used in very small doses, is no more harmful, than most medicines that are out there . Hope you get some help with respiratory nurse
Thank you for responding to my comments, sometime it's good to talk and share experiences with others and it often gives us all a more positive attitude, some not all people , will only offer the negatives, but with this site you can get many
different perspectives, on various, problems, good luck, Jemma keep well
zacia x x