Hello all.
My pneumonia has finally left and I'm feeling a lot better lung wise although I'm a bit more breathless than usual now.
It's been a couple of months of feeling dreadful and as you know I lost my dog in February which tore me apart.
On the bright side I have a new puppy! A real Heinz 57 and she's going to be very big going by her paws! Probably German Shepherd size which will dark my other 2! I took her on from a rescue centre, she's 11 weeks old and already knocks on the back door to go out and do her business, sits, gives poor and I've trained her to come with a clicker! Wow! She's amazing and just a cutie. She will never replace my beloved Pebble but I feel happier with having 3 dogs again and it keeps me active and less disinterested in general life!
Thank you for your kind messages over the past weeks, I was very touched.
Just thought I'd update you all!
Hope everyone's well and breathing just fine.
Mike xx