5 times iv tryed to stop the fags,its... - Lung Conditions C...

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5 times iv tryed to stop the fags,its been 7 days now iv got to do it this time because now i no iv got copd

emmaw profile image
16 Replies


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emmaw profile image
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16 Replies

On day 9 being smoke free myself, Enmaw, so I realise what you're going through. My choice has been "cold turkey", as I've used the nicotine replacement therapies before, but to no avail. They didn't work for me, but they may for you.

I believe that smoking is the habit, and nicotine the addiction. Doing without nicotine, means I'm not smoking. Not smoking, means I'm starving nicotine.... aren't I so cruel! LOL.

I've eaten copious amounts of chocolates and wine gums, and now nibbling on carrot sticks and cucumber slices - my choice, and it seems to be working. Also avoiding all and any stressful people and situations, as they are my triggers.

Every success to you in your endeavours to beat the ciggies, and let us know how you get on - or message me if you get a craving - I've found putting my thoughts, fears etc on paper helps deflect cravings... oh, and rewarding myself with sweet treats for getting over the craving :) Well, it is nice to celebrate :)

Sandra x x

emmaw profile image
emmaw in reply to

thank you x think i might try the wine gums x

Pepsicoley profile image

Good luck Enmaw

It took me a while to stop completely - I was forever having 'slips'. All in all, it took me about four months.

I am so pleased that I did stop. I used inhalators (unfortunately, after four years, I still use them!)

One day at a time and reward your self with something each day.

It was one of the most difficult things I have had to do but I think that it was for the best.

Lots of love, good luck and hugs



Lynne1955 profile image

Sandra is right. I think losing the nicotine helps. I didn't go cold turkey. I did it with Champix, from the doctor. Others have succeeded in other ways.

You will feel so much better for stopping, although it is hard, but it will mean you can syop the copd getting too much worse.

I put the money I saved into a savings account every month. Its paying for us to go on a river cruise in Germany this year. I stopped 18 months ago..

Good luck and talk about it on here for encouragement.

Lynne xx

Jo_BLFHelpline profile image
Jo_BLFHelplineBritish Lung Foundation

Hi Emmaw

Well done on making it to 5 days - stopping smoking is one of the hardest things to do. Research shows it takes people a few times of stopping before they give up for good - so try not to give yourself too muxh of a hard time - you're doing great.

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do to help slow down or even stop the progression of COPD. Interventions such as nictotine gum, sprays and tablets work for some people whilst others find it easier to just stop there and then.

Keep going Emma and everyone else stopping smoking - you are doing brilliantly.

As always if you want to give us a call - 03000 030 555 - we are here Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm.



libbygood profile image

Let us know each day how you're getting on, it will encourage you to keep going. Well done.

Lib x

Emmaw - It seems that you are having a lot of good advice. I am sure that you can give smoking for ever. What is the worse that can happen by giving up smoking? You aren't going to die, are you. What will happen is that you will feel so proud. As for the cravings, they will go away - if they are there - you can ignore them --- love Annie x

laig profile image

Well done Emmaw .you have done the hard bit by getting over that first day.It's 20 months since I stopped and it's the best thing I have ever done.

nixy profile image

Keep going Emmaw, Pop in here have a rant or tell us you are having a good day. I like a lot of people have tried to give up lots of times. Keep it up, and very well done xx

KingoftheCocktails profile image

Well done Emmaw.Keep in touch with my mate Will Powers.



peege profile image

Well done, brilliant, many people here know just how hard it is. Keep letting us know how you're doing. Always applause to be found here.

Do it - YOU'RE WORTH IT (my new mantra from Hufferpuffer).

NEW DAY! Emmaw - checking in to see if you have thrown out your fags -- with them in the house --temptation.

billyp profile image

Hello Emmaw,

I tried the patches ,its now 11 weeks ,it does get easier

mind im like one of them bisto kids in the add,s when i go out

and pass some one smoking for about 2 seconds. then i realise

the horrible smell ,and you can smell it on smokers even when they are not

smoking ,

Just think your more healthy ,clean smelling and happy

when you stop,

Hope i can keep it up ,and if i can anybody can,

Good luck and dont give up.


LizzieDoll profile image

Well done, I am now on my 10th week with the help of champix and throw away electronic cigarette, I was a smoker for over 40 years and was a heavy smoker. I never thought I would do it but so far so good. Good luck.

Myma profile image

If you have a relapse then DO NOT INHALE. The taste in your mouth each time is one which one you will remember more than the one to have another fag.

Took me about a week until the last one was so revolting in November 2011 ,that now any ones stale smoke is equally horrible.

Worth an alternative try at least.

puffed profile image

Hang on in there, I know its difficult, but well worth it. Good luck

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