For each of you all who have g,children, you will know how i feel today,,my grandaughter Emmy has kicked a football since she could toddle,,she,s 9 now, she has been playing in the mixed team on Sunday mornings in the league as goalkeeper, something she loves, and shows no fear,,the last 2 saturdays she has been over to Bournemouth to play and hone her skills with one of Arsenals training schools, last night a e,mail arrived at my daughters, telling her that Emmy has been selected to carry on training with them,as she has really impressed them,,woo hoo how proud i am,,oh well looks like nanny will be standing on the sidelines in all weathers,cheering her on,,,,,
So happy and proud i could burst,,,,, - Lung Conditions C...
So happy and proud i could burst,,,,,

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I know how you feel. I have a granddaughter, Hannah who runs for Hampshire. She is 14.
I don't have any grandchildren.... just a grand-dog.... and I'm proud he sits, stays, and recalls.... not the same I know.... just similar-ish
But, I can imaging just how bursting with pride you are, not only because she's your grand-daughter, but because she's played so well to earn that place. Well done that girl!!!!
Scarves and rattles to the ready ....
How well I understand the warm glow you are feeling right now chrissie Grandchildren provide us with so much to be proud of. A big round of applause for Emmy for a terrific achievement !! *applauds* Well done young lady !
Just make sure you wrap up well when giving your support chrissie and keep on keeping on enjotying those moments ....
Well done Emmy and you too Chrisie for having such a talented and pirated granddaughter
Good luck Chris xx
Yay! Well done Emmy and proud grandmama Got the scarf but the rattle proving a problem .........
Yay go Emmy thanks for spreading joy
Well done Emmy.My niece Hannah.who is very much into football but not good enough to get far at it has trained as a referee she is 14.Each Saturday she is off reffing and earning a bit of money doing it she gets between 12 and 20 pounds a match.
Congrats Emmy,when she is famous can she get cup final tickets ? a proud grandma I bet
mmm cup final tickets,,never thought about that,,but then i can,t see Newcastle getting that far anytime soon, and as for the scarf and rattle,,i,m sure they can here my chest rattling,, but so far have been lung infection free for over a year now. I,m sure its all the fresh air, dog walking and watching emmy play that keep me free,,,and well done iaig on your niece refereeing, would not wish that on anyone,,they get o much abuse,,and yes even me and my daughter have have been sent of the sidelines,,nawty nanny,,,
It gives us all great pride when our grandchildren acheive that something that makes us proud
Richard KOTC
Grandchildren are a complete joy. Well done Emmy (keep kicking) and Hannah (keep running). Our grandson is almost 1 so is trying to walk which is wonderful. He now has two teeth and we are proud of him always. xxxx
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