Urgent letter to your MP or direct to... - Lung Conditions C...

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Urgent letter to your MP or direct to George Osborne to support Enough Food For Everyone campaign

5 Replies

There are many people worse off than us of course and we can join hands to try to help by sending this below - go to writetothem.com and put your postcode in to identify your MP and send letter.....something like ....

Dear (your MP),

Tackling UK Tax havens

Please will you urgently pass this onto Mr Osborne please.

I’m supporting the Enough Food for Everyone IF campaign.

I’m aware that the Chancellor is meeting with G7 Finance Ministers to discuss the global economyand I want to know why UK tax havens aren’t on the agenda.

I think it’s wrong that the global tax system allows rich companies and individuals to avoid the tax they owe through tax havens, while hard working families strive to make a living and 1 in 8 people go to bed hungry every night.

With the G7 Finance Ministers meeting taking place,

I ask that the government addresses UK tax havens and their impact on the world’s poorest countries by making sure they share information with all countries. This will allow developing countries to collect vital revenue that can be used to end hunger

Yours sincerely,

(Your Name)

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5 Replies

This is a very worthwhile campaign and I will give my support. Thank you for the information.

Thanks for that Julie, happy to sign up. Also, I hope you're ok as haven't seen you around for a while.

Auntymary xx

Yes thanks, Auntymary, much better than I have been :) had full lung function test yesterday and after all that lung exercise I walked many more steps than my usual !!! the warm weather helped us all too this week no doubt xxx

O2Trees profile image

Thanks for posting this Julie. Just about to do it. jean

warwickstag profile image

A very humanitarian thought Julie, thanks for the prompt.

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