Yesterday my first delivery of oxygen and back pack arrived and today my back is giving me grief...I don't think I over did it but I think it was coming back up the hill with half a tree...............( two irrisistable long sticks realy ) I opted for the backpack for carrying the oxy' because of the dog,( he likes to drag me around with him) and now my old back problem has reared its ugly head...The thing that worries me is...IS it going to be a problem when I go to Rehab,( I'm working my way up the list.. and as I'm being sent for a scan next week do you think I could ask them to check my back as well as my chest?
Pulmonary Rehab and Dodgy Back... - Lung Conditions C...
Pulmonary Rehab and Dodgy Back...

It might only be me but seems that getting older more bits come under dodgy than dont with different specialists looking at what interests them an not that interested in the goings on elsewhere, no harm in asking mind you.
Love your dog !
The physio's at rehab should be able to help and it wouldn't hurt to get a medical opinion on the back. Good luck
I had the backpack at my first rehab session but changed to the trolley, the nurse thought it was a bit unfair as I'm only little. The only exercise I couldn't do was the ball bouncing walking round so they put weights on my legs.
Kim xxxx
I carry my oxygen bottle everywhere I go for me that's the easiest. I have never been to PR, too far away.
Lib x
Thanks everyone, I've decided to swallow a couple of painkillers and get outside,the sun is cracking the flags out there,thats enough to put a smile on my face all day! x
I use the very small cylinders when I go out, but find even those too much to carry. That's the problem being small and skinny!
I'm lucky in that my prescription is only 0.5 l/min so the larger mobile cylinders (440 Freedom) last a bit longer but I only use them away from home when necessary. At home I have a concentrator.