Depression and Thanking Carers - Lung Conditions C...

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Depression and Thanking Carers

Tafweb profile image
10 Replies

I am 71 and have severe COPD and aortic stenosis, and I have two questions I would like to ask other members of the forum.

Firstly, depression is often quoted as one of the effects of COPD. Thankfully I do not suffer depression too often, but would like to know how others cope with it.

when it occurs.

Secondly, my wife does a wonderful job of looking after me and never complains. How do others go about thanking their carers for such devotion?

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Tafweb profile image
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10 Replies

Hullo, Tafweb. I think you just being there is a big thank you for your wife. As for depression, this is something that you cant help. Although I can get depressed, better that you talk to someone with copd. I have bronch. All the best Annie80x

phillips1 profile image

Hi Tafweb

I am 70 and COPD moderate/severe. The disease doesn't seem to have affected me in that way. I get annoyed when I can't do the things I

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

I'm very severe emphysema and I'm the same as phillips1, I get annoyed ! :)

Hi I take antidepressants and I live alone so don't have a carer, not that I am feeling sorry for myself. (not often anyway).

medow profile image

I think talking with someone really helps depression. But sometimes we don't realise we have depression and part of depression is feeling helpless, hopeless and that nothing can change which makes it difficult to reach out, antidepressants are good, gives the mood a lift and the ability to think differently. My husband is poorly with a different condition, and just the fact that he's around makes it all worth while, no we can't do what we used to, but there's plenty we can share, and of course there are good days when things don't seem so bad x

I look after my husband who has severe copd - you don't have to thank us all the time! Just every now and then to make us feel appreciated. We do it because we love you and want to help. He does get depressed too and a bit angry that he is very limited as to what he can do - keep talking about it. Talk to your wife - you need to be honest with each other. COPD means life changes - life takes on a very different pace. Hope you can continue to enjoy it! TAD xx

Tafweb profile image

Thanks so much to everyone who replied. I didn't mean to imply that I am depressed at present, only that I find it difficult to cope with when it happens. But just knowing that there is a community here that understands the problem is a great blessing.

in reply to Tafweb

Tafweb good morning i have copd i do say to wife that i love her .plus we speak about it . The only real problem i got with it is that i can not do what i use to do which i do get mad about or it takes a lot longer to do .but my sons also take the micky out of me but in a good way just to make me laugh over it . So now i only do

small jobs and i will not lift anything heavy or i will find. It hard to breath .

moneal profile image

I know the feeling well, most of it stems from frustration at not being able to do what I used to do every day, It can really bring me down some days, but then it sort of drifts away and the next day things feel better.

I try to find something to occupy my mind, crosswords, computer or the like, anything to stop me feeling sorry for myself.

I do wonder how my wife copes sometimes, especially when I am on high dose steroids and get very bad tempered. I say things without thinking, luckily she understands it's the pills talking not me. Like most in our situation a loving partner is as vital as the medicines.

sassy59 profile image

I care for my hubby Tafweb and he thanks me just by being here. We get along very well, although I do get a bit upset when he is ill. There are many ongoing problems but luckily we have a wonderful family who all live nearby and one son who lives at home so we are very fortunate indeed. I wish you and your lovely wife well and it is so good that you appreciate what she does. Good luck to you. xxxx

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